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Worthing & Adur Chamber

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01903 203484

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Regular news and updates from the Chamber, our members, local Councils and other relevant business news will be posted regularly here. 

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  • 31 March 2017 9:53 AM | Deleted user

    The puff of smoke! and A new President is chosen...

    After due process the Chamber Selection Committee of seven of the Chamber Executive members have met, discussed and or interviewed the shortlist of the four applicants who applied for the role of President of the Worthing and Adur Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The Selection Committee were very impressed by the calibre and quality of the candidates. "Any of the four could have made a very good President" was one comment. But when the secret ballot was taken, there was only the one Presidential vacancy to fill.

    It is therefore with much pleasure and pride that we can announce that Chris Coopey, Practice Director at MHA Carpenter Box has accepted the Presidency for a term of three years from May 10th 2017.

    Chris has previously served on the Executive Committee and has many contacts with economic forums, business leaders and Council senior management in West Sussex. We were very impressed by his enthusiasm, ambitions and ideas for what he described as "a fantastically important role!

    Tina commented “ I consider the Chamber to be lucky to have four strong candidates apply. They all expressed a desire to continue the good work of the Chamber and are very keen to take the Chamber forward as the voice of business in Adur and Worthing. I am also very pleased to have received agreement from all the candidates to take up some leading roles within the Chamber so that we can all benefit from their support and input. This has turned out to be an amazing opportunity and I really look forward to working with them all!”  

  • 28 March 2017 1:32 PM | Deleted user

    Click the image above to download the full Brochure details for Courtlands, a 11,800 sq ft new possible investment opportunity, potential residential development or commercial use property based in Goring-by-Sea, Worthing.

    Here is the link to the information pack which has further FLOOR PLANS

    Further Images can be found here

  • 28 March 2017 1:14 PM | Deleted user

    Adur District Council and Rampion partner in major facelift works on Shoreham Beach gateway

    The Ferry Road entrance to Shoreham Beach Local Nature Reserve will receive a much-needed facelift after Rampion Offshore Wind agreed to fund a landscaping scheme to enhance this important footpath, which directly links Shoreham Town Centre to the Beach via the Ferry Bridge.     

    Rampion’s support will include funds to redesign and upgrade the walkway that forms the final part of the link between the Shoreham pedestrian bridge and Shoreham Beach. The works will include sensitive and appropriate landscaping and planting, a bicycle rack, and signage, to create an impressive new public gateway.

    At present the walkway is overgrown and unkempt and as the prime entrance to the beach, is ripe for improvement. The work will aim to ensure beachgoers have a positive welcome as they arrive at the beach, with a view of the wind farm straight ahead.

    The work will be coordinated by the Parks & Open Spaces Department of Adur & Worthing Council and will include consultations and involvement of all the relevant community groups with an interest in the beach and local area.

    Councillor Emma Evans, Adur District Council Executive Member for Environment adds “I am delighted that our successful partnership with Rampion has yielded this funding and will result in a much needed refurbishment programme, to enhance access to one of the most beautiful areas on the West Sussex coastline.

    A new pedestrian friendly footpath will encourage residents and visitors alike to make greater use of Shoreham Beach.  In turn, this will attract greater tourist spend with local businesses.  It is no secret that Local Authorities across the UK are having to work closer with the business community and develop commercial partnerships to secure funding for schemes such as this.   I look forward to announcing more details of the planned public consultations due later in the Spring and urge all residents to take part and have their say in the future of this beautiful and much loved beach.”

    Rampion Development and Stakeholder Manager, Chris Tomlinson said, “We are pleased to fund the Shoreham Beach gateway project, which will provide an enhanced environment and fitting welcome for visitors to the unique habitat of Shoreham Beach. The landscaping scheme will complete the integral pedestrian link from Shoreham town centre to the beach, and will have a positive impact on the surrounding area for residents and visitors alike

    In addition to the landscaping scheme, Rampion will fund the installation of a telescope on the beach so that people can take a closer look at the offshore environment, where in the coming months the wind farm will really begin to take shape as the turbines are gradually installed.

  • 27 March 2017 11:06 AM | Deleted user

    BilliBiz The Show 2017

    Billingshurst Chamber are excited to announce their premier business-to-business trade show and networking event is back for 2017 and are now taking bookings to exhibit at the show. 

    5th May 10am - 3pm at the Billinghurst Conference and community centre.

    There are many good reasons to exhibit, including:

    • Develop business to business connections
    • Make face to face contact with potential customers
    • Promote your business products and services
    • Great networking opportunities
    • Enhancing the brand of your company and improving its visibility within your chosen market
    • Reaching a large audience for a fraction of the cost of other marketing and advertising approaches
    • Taking advantage of the exhibition as a great PR opportunity

    Don't miss out on being part of Billingshurst's Biggest Business Event of the year and Request your table now!

    This is a fantastic opportunity for you to promote your business in the local area. Take advantage of using BilliBiz - The Show 2017 to increase awareness of your business, expand your business network and promote your business products and services.

    Make sure Friday 5th May is in your diary so you don't miss out!

    Feedback from previous exhibitors 

    Alan Wright Photography
    "There was a great buzz on the day, it was the perfect opportunity to chat to visitors and promote my skills and services"

    Tom Mills

    Hilton Sharp & Clarke
    “Billibiz provided an excellent opportunity to meet potential new clients as well as network with other local businesses”

  • 27 March 2017 11:01 AM | Deleted user

    Taking issues to the heart of Government

    While Adur District Council has fought to set a balanced budget for the next year, last minute changes to the way that the Government distributes New Homes Bonus will dramatically increase pressure on maintaining that balance.

    Last week, Councillor Neil Parkin, Leader of Adur District Council, took the Council’s concerns to the heart of Government at a meeting with Marcus Jones, Under Secretary of State (Minister for Local Government).  

    Cllr Parkin takes up the story:

    “The new scheme will remove £214,000 from the Council’s revenue budget this year alone - and it appears that we now won’t receive any New Homes Bonus at all over the next three to five years.

    “We have been successfully delivering housing growth in Adur, and have used the New Homes Bonus as one part of a financial strategy to keep our bin collections weekly, to keep investing in our communities and to keep Council Tax low.

    “Constrained by the sea on one side and the Downs on the other, we simply don’t have enough available land to build homes of the required size which would make us eligible for the updated New Homes Bonus.

    “We went to the Government with a simple request:  either to amend the updated New Homes Bonus system to make it fairer on Districts such as ours, or to implement a transitional arrangement allowing us to manage the loss of funding.

    “We are now waiting for a response from the Minister of State for Housing and Planning, Gavin Barwell, and will be making our case in the consultation for the Fair Funding Review, which has a final consultation next summer.  We are proud of everything that we’ve achieved in Adur through sound financial planning and will continue to fight for what we believe should be ours for the benefit of our residents and taxpayers.”

    The dramatic reduction in New Homes Bonus receipts follows changes to the scheme which favours the building of larger homes.  In the Adur District, most of the development space exists in brownfield or in-fill sites, or in opportunities to increase density - these are smaller properties in Bands A - C.

    Additionally, the Council will not benefit from any empty homes being brought back into use, further compounding the issue.  

  • 27 March 2017 11:00 AM | Deleted user

    Adur & Worthing Council commits to sustainability programme and installs solar panels in key Council buildings

    Adur & Worthing Councils’ investment in solar panels is now coming to fruition, with 154 panels being installed on Portland House, Worthing this week. A similar scheme will be installed on the Shoreham Centre later this year.

    The energy generated by the panels will offset the energy used within the buildings, enabling a long-term financial saving for both the Councils and their local communities as the sun powers their day-to-day operations. Any additional energy generated will be sold back to the National Grid, adding to further long-term financial benefits.

    This is a first step in the Councils’ drive to embrace opportunities and initiatives which use technology to improve efficiencies and reduce costs. By reducing their carbon emissions, the Councils will also be contributing directly to improving the environment and increasing the levels of local energy awareness.

    Councillor Daniel Humphreys, Leader of Worthing Borough Council, said: “At the end of 2016 we committed to a three year plan of action to do more than ever to care for the environment and natural resources in Worthing. This is an early example of how we intend to become more sustainable, reduce our carbon footprint and save money for Worthing taxpayers”.  

    Councillor Neil Parkin, Leader of Adur District Council, said: “Adur District Council is fully committed to promoting greater sustainability as outlined in the recently published ‘Stewarding our Natural Resources’ commitment, part of our ‘Platform for our Places’ strategic approach.

    “Along with many of our residents who have installed solar panels to their own private properties, the Council is committed to a more environmentally friendly, fuel efficient and sustainable way of delivering our services.  I wholeheartedly welcome this exciting new initiative.”

    Adur & Worthing Councils have worked closely with Your Energy Sussex, the local council energy partnership led by West Sussex County Council, to make this project happen.  Adur & Worthing Councils are members of the partnership that delivers energy efficiency and renewable energy projects across the county.   

    Councillor Louise Goldsmith, Leader of West Sussex County Council, said:  “I am really delighted to see our local authorities working together through Your Energy Sussex to deliver ambitious renewable energy projects that will secure financial and environmental benefits for many years to come. By committing to clean and sustainable energy through our own strategies, I hope we can persuade many more of our residents and businesses to follow suit.”

    You can find out more information about Your Energy Sussex at or follow them on Twitter @EnergySussex.
  • 27 March 2017 10:54 AM | Deleted user

    StreetVelodrome to return to Worthing

    StreetVelodrome is to return to Beach House Grounds, Worthing, on 1st and 2nd July 2017, for a third year of wheel-to-wheel cycle racing action.

    2015 and 2016’s sun-drenched weekends of cycle racing have set a high bar for the 2017 StreetVelodrome competition. Locally enjoyed and nationally televised, StreetVelodrome remains one of the most thrilling sporting weekends in Worthing’s calendar. Transforming Beach House Grounds in a matter of hours into a professional racing circuit, StreetVelodrome offers a perfect opportunity to clip on a helmet and test yourself against amateur and pro-riders alike.

    “This is a fantastic family event,” comments Cllr Bryan Turner, Executive Member for Regeneration at Worthing Borough Council.

    “It doesn’t matter how old you are or how much experience you’ve got, StreetVelodrome is an open competition designed to bring out the best in every rider.

    “I’m proud that Worthing Borough Council is bringing StreetVelodrome back to the town for a third year, creating another great weekend for tourists and local residents alike.”

    The format of 2017’s StreetVelodrome competition mirrors the successful set-up from the 2016 year. The South Coast Rollers, Worthing’s home team, will be taking to the track again, searching for the best new talent to accompany them to the London finals. All equipment and coaching will be provided, so all you need to do is turn up and ride!

    In addition to the Borough Council’s investment, the StreetVelodrome competition benefits from the faith of its sponsors. This year, Worthing StreetVelodrome is being brought to the town in association with:

    * Chandlers of Worthing

    * Lancing College Preparatory School at Worthing

    * Southern Railway

    * Worthing Homes

    This year, the Worthing StreetVelodrome weekend is also welcoming Worthing FC, Worthing RFC, Worthing Thunder, VC Jubilee and Southdown Leisure - all of whom will be offering visitors the chance to learn new skills, get active and revel in the sporting talent that Worthing has to offer.

    For more information, please head to

    Photo: Jack Ravenscroft - South Coast Rollers

  • 27 March 2017 10:08 AM | Deleted user

    Geminate II creates a digital playground at Colonnade House in the heart of Worthing


    People are seeing themselves in a different light as they are transformed into glowing shapes and colourful digital images captured by clever technology hidden behind the windows of Colonnade House. Geminate II has been designed by artists Jim Horsfield and Adam Seaman who work together as As Described. The installation is live every evening between 5pm and 10pm and people have been amazed and delighted by the playful way that the images respond to their movements.

    As well as creating the images, the artists commissioned Oscar nominated composer Andrew Phillips to create a soundscape for the work inspired by Worthing. The unique musical score for the installation also captures locally recorded atmospheric sounds. In addition, West Sussex Library Services kindly granted access to the local oral history archive that has provided the voiced memories of life here nearly a century ago, and recollections of wartime West Sussex.

    Andrew Phillips says -

    “Because the installation involves two separate screens and speakers playing simultaneously, I wanted there to be music on one side and more ambient sound effects on the other. So I recorded the sea under the Pier, used the wind on the seafront to vibrate the strings on an Aeolian Harp, and those sounds became an inspiration for the music. The voices from the oral history archive are really the centrepiece of the whole soundtrack, their memories inviting us to reimagine the space in which we are moving and listening.”

    As well as providing an innovative form of public art for people to enjoy, the project is also intended to support the development of the creative industries in Worthing. Students from Worthing College will be getting a behind-the-scenes tour that will give them insight into the technology behind this work which includes components from an X-Box, and there will be a follow-up event at St Paul’s in April for a wider debate about the art of interactive space.

    Cllr Dr Heather Mercer, Executive Member for Customer Services at Worthing Borough Council, said: "Worthing is fast becoming a hub for creative and digital industries and is an emerging jacuzzi bubble of creativity. This is something we as a local authority are committed to nurture and develop.

    This amazing exhibition is a perfect example of the council providing a platform for talented local artists to showcase their artistic skills to a regional audience. I urge everyone to go along and enjoy the spectacle."

    The Geminate II project has been supported with public funding from Arts Council England and Worthing Borough Council and is part of the programme at Colonnade House, Worthing’s Creative Hub which has been set up with funding from the Coastal Communities Fund. The Creative Hub is managed jointly by Worthing Borough Council and Adur & Worthing Trust.

    More details about the project can be found here:

    For more information contact 01903 221142

  • 20 March 2017 9:45 AM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)

    Free event: Making the most of being a landlord

    Landlords throughout Adur and Worthing are being invited to a free evening event, specifically designed to help them make the most out of their property portfolio.

    Hosted by the National Landlord Association and Adur & Worthing Councils, the event will feature expert speakers covering everything that landlords need to know about how recent changes to legislation and taxation affect their business.

    Suitable for all local private sector landlords, the event begins at 6pm on Thursday 23rd March in the Gordon Room, Stoke Abbot Road, Worthing, BN11 1HQ and is expected to run until 8:45pm.

    In addition to the expert speakers, all attendees will be offered the chance to join in with a workshop, exploring how to strengthen the local private rented sector.  A team from Adur & Worthing Councils will be on hand to explain how the councils can work directly with landlords, guaranteeing rental income at the same time as tackling local housing supply issues.

    Councillor Dr Heather Mercer, Executive Member for Customer Services at Worthing Borough Council, said:
    “I am very pleased to see the council supporting this event - we have a diverse range of rental properties throughout the Borough, and it’s important that we are able to help landlords maximise the benefit of their properties.

    “Landlords are also a vital partner in our work to increase the availability of affordable housing - and I would urge all property owners to consider how they could benefit from the free assistance we can offer.”

    Adur District Council’s Executive Member for Customer Service, Councillor Carson Albury, adds:

    “At Adur District Council, we want to be proactive in our approach to supporting landlords in the District.  Events such as these are the perfect opportunity for all landlords to get important information and benefit from free expert advice.

    “Our local housing challenges have been well publicised, and we must use all available opportunities to support safe, clean and appropriate accommodation at the right tenure, for our growing District.  The Council has some fantastic support on offer which I suggest all landlords look into!”

    Interested landlords are encouraged to email Steve Hay at Adur & Worthing Councils ( to secure their place for the evening, or to arrive at the Gordon Room, Stoke Abbot Road, Worthing in time for a prompt 6pm start on Thursday 23rd March.  Free parking will be available in the Civic Centre carpark directly adjacent to the venue.

Get in touch

Tel: 01903 203484   


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