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  • 08 February 2017 12:05 PM | Deleted user

    Worthing’s economy is ‘connected and thriving’

    Worthing’s economy is highly connected and thriving on the global market, according to statistics in the latest Centre for Cities report.

    Data from the Cities Outlook 2017 report shows that Worthing is performing well above many cities in terms of jobs and exports.

    Worthing’s key stats:

    • 80.5% employment rate, yearly increase of 7.1%
    • 2nd highest exports per job in the country
    • One of only 12 cities ranked above average for productivity
    • 93.3% of properties achieving ultrafast broadband speeds

    In analysis of the total value of exports by city, Worthing is ranked second - ahead of London and only bettered by Sunderland. The statistics give great confidence in Worthing’s industries and trade.

    The analysis shows Worthing to be highly competitive within our geographical region, for example sitting in the top band in terms of productivity - highlighting both an innovative and efficient economy.

    Worthing ranks highest in digital connectivity, one of the key components for a city’s offer to businesses and entrepreneurs. Last year 93.3% of properties in the town achieved ultrafast broadband speeds (above 100 Mbps), the highest percentage in a category where 8 of the top 10 cities were in the South.

    Elsewhere in the report, there appears to be a direct correlation between the local economy’s high performance and employment figures. With a rate of 80.5%, Worthing has the 5th highest employment rate - increasing by 7.1% from the previous year.

    Worthing also performs well in statistics relating to skills and education, with the town ranked 2nd in terms of the populations percentage that has formal qualifications (just 4.2% with no formal qualifications).

    Cllr Daniel Humphreys, Leader of Worthing Borough Council, enthusiastically welcomed the publication of the report.

    “The Council has been championing the growth of our economy, supporting our local businesses and opening our doors to innovative enterprises who want to make Worthing their home.

    “As underlined by Centre for Cities, this approach has made us one of the most productive places in the UK, creating a sound platform onto which we can invite further high value business investment. 

    “We offer world-leading employers a highly-networked environment supported by wise regulation and a business-positive approach in which to grow their companies.  The message is clear - Worthing works.”

    The report’s findings are particularly welcomed after recent efforts from Worthing Borough Council to market the Borough on the national stage. The Investment Prospectus and partnered website InvestAW are just some of the tools aimed at attracting new businesses to Worthing, and a number of key regeneration sites are edging closer to being unlocked for development.

    Cllr Bryan Turner, Worthing Borough Council’s Executive Member for Regeneration, added:

    “This report is a positive endorsement for the Borough as a great place to do business.  Already leading the country in high speed broadband access, we will pull further away from the pack when the benefits of our strategic investment in Gigabit infrastructure start to be felt more widely, especially in relation to reliability.

    “Through years of consistent work and investment, the Borough has become a launchpad for people to do great things - whether that’s grow a digital and technology company, start an innovative social enterprise or export to the other side of the world.”

    Peter Webb, MBE, Managing Director of local company Electronic Temperature Instruments Ltd (ETI), also commented:

    “As a specialist, UK manufacturer, we are passionate about what we do! Temperature measurement encompasses a wide variety of needs and applications, and Electronic Temperature Instruments Ltd (ETI) has developed a wide range of instruments and sensors. We manufacture approximately 75% of our product range onsite in two company owned factories here in Worthing, West Sussex.  As well as serving many industries and applications in the UK, we also export to over 100 countries worldwide providing the same first class temperature measuring solutions.

    “We're very pleased to be playing our part in Worthing's vibrant economy, which is performing well in terms of productivity and innovation, as reflected in this report”

  • 08 February 2017 11:57 AM | Deleted user

    A LEAP forward for local businesses 

    Adur & Worthing Business Partnership (AWBP)

    A new grant scheme for small businesses and apprenticeships is being introduced by Adur & Worthing Councils, offering grants of up to £2.5K until the end of September 2017.

    Part of a West Sussex-wide scheme, known as the Local Enterprise and Apprenticeship Platform (LEAP), there is approximately £71,000 available for businesses located in Adur and a similar amount for businesses based in Worthing.

    The scheme recognises the vital role that small businesses play in the local economy and the particular difficulties that micro businesses (those with up to 10 employees) can face in accessing funds to help them grow and take on staff. Small businesses (up to 50 employees) can face similar difficulties when looking to take on an apprentice or provide apprenticeship opportunities for existing staff, and these are the type of businesses this scheme is designed to help.

    The scheme is being delivered by the Adur & Worthing Business Partnership, and businesses will be on the Awards Panel, helping to decide which applications are successful.

    Eligible businesses can apply online or submit a hard copy of the application form. Full details, including application forms and guidance notes can be found on our business grants page.

    Chairman of the Adur & Worthing Business Partnership, Andrew Swayne, said:

    “The Adur & Worthing Business Partnership brings together businesses in Adur & Worthing and works with partner agencies to support and grow the local economy. Our priorities include supporting small businesses and increasing the number of local apprenticeship and development opportunities, so I am delighted that the Partnership has the opportunity to work with the Councils on this scheme and that a number of our members are involved in the Grant Panel."

    Worthing Borough Council's Executive Member for Regeneration, Cllr Bryan Turner, commented:

    “The Councils recognise that smaller sized businesses make a huge impact to Worthing and Adur, and have become the backbone of our local economy. It's important that by working closely with partner organisations, like the Adur & Worthing Business Partnership, we're able to design a scheme that can utilise available funding and contribute to businesses that will highly benefit from the grant.”

    Cllr Brian Boggis, Executive Member for Regeneration at Adur District Council, also echoed these words:

    “This is a great example of the Councils working together to enhance our local economy. It's important that as local authorities we provide this type of support and funding when available, to small businesses where it will see great purpose. The scheme will also give added support to apprenticeships, vital for providing work opportunities for young people and teaching them skills to not only forge a career for themselves, but make a positive impact in our local economy.”

    The ideas align with the Councils' recently adopted strategy, 'Platforms for our Places'. One of the core values is supporting our financial economy. By offering this funding, the scheme will help foster business growth and increase apprenticeship provision.

  • 26 January 2017 2:30 PM | Deleted user


    Home Furnishings Company IKEA today announced it is aiming to bring a new IKEA store to Lancing as part of a comprehensive development. New Monks Farm Development Company will be holding a Public Exhibition from Friday 27th and Saturday 28th January, ahead of submitting a planning application.

    The proposed development includes plans for a 35,000m2 IKEA store and plans from New Monks Farm Development also outline a proposal including: 600 new homes, a new primary school, country park a major new junction on the A27.

    Draft plans for the proposed new store and further development of the area can be seen at the exhibition which will take place at The Shoreham Centre, 2 Pond Road, Shoreham BN43 5WU on:

    • ·         Friday 27th January 2017 from 2pm to 8pm
    • ·         Saturday 28th January 2017 from 10am to 2pm

    In addition the plans will also be on display at an exhibition which is due to take place on: Wednesday 1st February 2017 from 4pm to 8pm at Lancing Parish Hall, 96 South St, Lancing BN15 8AJ.

    The  35,000m2 IKEA store would provide affordable high-quality home furnishing products as well as a restaurant, crèche, children’s play area and customer car park, making a visit to the store a fun day-out for the whole family.

    Bringing a new IKEA store to Lancing will also create 430 local jobs offering both full and part-time positions in a wide variety of roles, including customer relations, sales, interior design and food services. All IKEA co-workers will be paid the Real Living Wage.

    Tim Farlam, Real Estate Manager for IKEA, said: “At IKEA we are committed to being a good neighbour and true partner in our local community. Prior to submitting the planning application, IKEA together with New Monks Farm Development Company would like to meet with the local community and hear their views.

    “At IKEA our vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people. We want to make IKEA more accessible and are very excited to be opening a number of new stores around the UK. This site presents a great opportunity, given its scale, accessibility and location. A new store here would provide people from the greater Brighton area with relevant home furnishing solutions and will create local jobs."

    Martin Perry, Director of New Monks Farm Development, said: “We are delighted to be working with IKEA, they share our values recognising the talent of their co – workers and contributing to the quality of life of the local people in the community.


    “This is part of a wider major regeneration scheme in Lancing that is in line with the emerging Adur Local Plan. In addition to the significant employment generated through this development by IKEA, 600 homes for local families will be created, supported by a new primary school, a country park and replacing the Sussex Pad traffic lights with a major new roundabout on the A27 will improve the situation for commuters and open up new job opportunities on Shoreham Airport.”

  • 26 January 2017 2:27 PM | Deleted user

    New Monks Farm Development

    New Monks Farm Development Ltd (a subsidiary of Brighton & Hove Albion), is excited to share its plans for its new development In Lancing at a public exhibition to be held at the Shoreham Centre, 2 Pond Road, Shoreham BN43 5WU on:

    • Friday 27th January 2017 from 2pm to 8pm
    • Saturday 28th January 2017 from 10am to 2pm

    In addition the plans will also be on display in Lancing on:

    • Wednesday 1st February 2017 from 4pm to 8pm at Lancing Parish Hall, 96 South St, Lancing BN15 8AJ.

    The development is part of the Albion’s £150 million regeneration plans for New Monks Farm in Lancing - which includes new homes, a school and country park for residents. The proposed development also includes plans for a 35,000 m2 IKEA store which will create 430 jobs with the entire development estimated to generate a total of 875 new jobs for the Adur area.

    Martin Perry Director of New Monks Farm Development said: “This is part of a wider major regeneration scheme in Lancing that is in line with the emerging Adur Local Plan. In addition to the significant employment generated through this development by IKEA, 600 homes for local families will be created, supported by a new primary school, a country park and replacing the Sussex Pad traffic lights with a major new roundabout on the A27 will improve the situation for commuters and open up new job opportunities on Shoreham Airport.”

    Tim Farlam, Real Estate Manager for IKEA UK and Ireland said: “At IKEA our vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people. We want to make IKEA accessible and are very excited to be opening a number of new stores around the UK. This site presents a great opportunity, given its scale, accessibility and location. A new store at Lancing will provide people from the Greater Brighton area with relevant home furnishing solutions and will create local jobs."

    Neil Parkin, Leader of Adur District Council said: “I am pleased to see the strong investment interest that is being shown in Lancing and in the whole Adur District.  We are clear that we want to attract world class developments which create homes and jobs for local people.  I am looking forward to working with Brighton and Hove Albion, and now with IKEA, to achieve our ambitions for one of the most high profile strategic sites identified in our Local Plan.

    “The proposal from New Monks Farm Development Ltd and IKEA must fully address concerns the local community has around flooding and sustainable development at this key site through a clear and convincing business case.  Once completed, our District will benefit from an annual £11.5m economic injection, and which will allow us to continue delivering high quality services and helping people to do great things in Adur.”

  • 25 January 2017 10:55 AM | Deleted user

    Adur & Worthing Councils promotes Happy Hearts for Healthier Lives 

    In 2016 the British Heart Foundation presented Adur & Worthing Councils Families & Wellbeing Officer Tammy Waine a Heart Hero award, in recognition for her work in local schools raising heart health awareness and promoting healthier lifestyles.

    Her Happy Hearts initiative is a programme of classes for local school, devised just over 4 years ago following reports that Adur had a higher than national average rate of cardiovascular disease.

    Tammy’s award winning six week programme of interactive and fun one hour lessons were made possible thanks to a substantial funding award from the British Heart Foundation and although that funding is now no longer available her innovative work continues through the Councils, and is now being made more widely available for all Primary school pupils in Worthing.

    Any Primary School in Worthing interested in this programme are encouraged to contact Tammy directly at for further details.

    Feedback from pupils and parents in Adur, for 2015-16, has just been collated and the data proves that by educating 7-13 year olds on the benefits of healthy eating and embracing exercise as a long term lifestyle choice can effectively change the health and wellbeing for the whole family and once these pupils reach adulthood may well produce further data that shows reduced rates of heart disease in the region.  

    Teacher - Ali Champion, Durrington Primary School

    The Happy Hearts Programme gave my pupils a real insight into how to live a healthier lifestyle. They enjoyed multi-sensory experiences, rewards and challenges which made them fully engage and love their learning. The sessions were also rounded up beautifully by celebrating the children's achievements with parents and carers during a special assembly which really helped families at home become involved with the children's learning and healthy living lifestyles - which for a young age group is vital.”

    Parent - Pauline Hannon, North Lancing

    My daughter (7) often refers to what she is eating and trying new foods (this was something she struggled with before) after taking part in Tammy’s Happy Hearts sessions at her primary school, when she was 5.

    Mia still reminds me that she should only eat sugary things as a ‘sometimes’ food and that she needed to eat ‘rainbow’ foods to get all the right stuff her body needs.  The fact that she could recall those lessons over 2 years later shows how good the programme is and that catching children young, is so effective.”

    Councillor David Simmons, Adur District Council Executive Member for Health & Wellbeing adds “The award to Tammy Waine from The British Heart Foundation is well earned, and the impact she has made with her Healthy Hearts Programme and the ‘Grub Club’ which also encourages young people not only to choose healthy food, but also prepare and cook it, speaks volumes for her commitment and innovation. She has achieved remarkable results in helping to shape the attitudes of young people and their families which not only addresses the need for healthy eating, but also addresses the issues of obesity and the need for exercise. Her legacy will be for the changes she has encouraged to continue into the future and help reduce serious illness in the longer term.”

    Councillor Valerie Turner, Worthing Borough Council Executive Member for Health & Wellbeing adds “Tammy’s tireless work over the past four years is indeed impressive, as these testaments from parents, teachers and pupils confirm.  To be able to engage and educate the younger members of our population in adopting and maintaining healthy choices, and for them in turn to take lessons learnt and encourage their own family members to adopt healthy and preventative health measures is possibly the most potent way of encouraging healthier habits for us all and lowering the risk of heart disease in the future.”

  • 18 January 2017 12:33 PM | Deleted user

    Bespoke Accounting help you get an extra £2.2 million

    When: Thursday 16th March 

    Time: 9:00am - 13:30pm

    Venue: Long Furlong Barn
    Long Furlong, BN13 3XN Worthing


    ► The 8 key ways to strengthen your cashflow sustainably by generating more (and more profitable) sales

    ► The 4 factors you must take into account to prevent your margins and cashflow being decimated

    ► The only reliable way to discover how your competitors are doing, and how to use it to identify where and how you can get even better results

    ► The 2 ways you can transform your work-life balance (one of which will also make your business run more smoothly, with fewer hassles and problems, as well as improving your efficiency and reducing your costs)

    ► The one incredibly simple action that will guarantee you get paid in full, on time, every time

    As a result, you will leave with everything you need to put many hundreds of thousands of extra pounds – perhaps even many millions of extra pounds - into your bank accounts.

    Click here for more information and to book

  • 18 January 2017 9:15 AM | Deleted user

    Best of Both Worlds - with property expert Lucy Alexander (From Homes Under The Hammer)

    Are you looking to move out of the urban jungle to the quiet of countryside? Or have you had your fill of the countryside and you’re looking for a slice of city action? What if you could find somewhere that gives you the perfect mix of city and country living?

    We’re looking for house-hunters to take part in Best of Both Worlds, a new Channel 4 series, with property expert, Lucy Alexander.

    If you want to know more about getting our help to find your dream home in the best possible location, Raise the Roof Productions would love to hear from you.

    For more information send an email with your details to bobw or call 0141 427 5880

    Raise the Roof Productions will process your personal data in accordance with their privacy policy. Applicants should also be aware that expressions of interest are not a guarantee of taking part.

    Below is a link to both Raise the Roof Productions and Channel 4’s take part website.

  • 17 January 2017 1:26 PM | Deleted user

    New Year, Enhanced Brand for Carpenter Box

    Sussex-based chartered accountants, tax and business advisers, Carpenter Box has started 2017 with a subtle tweak to its identity – incorporating its membership of the MHA Association into its trading name.

    The firm, now known as MHA Carpenter Box, was a founding member of the Association In 2010, when it was established by the best independent regional UK accountancy firms to share knowledge and resources.

    Practice Director Chris Coopey commented: “Although it’s a small change, introducing MHA into our name demonstrates that whilst we remain a sizeable independent firm, we also have a considerable national resource at our finger tips to help clients get the best from their businesses, whatever opportunity or challenge comes their way.”

    The new brand also reflects the firm’s expertise as tax and business advisers rather than just a traditional accountancy practice. The firm’s full-service offering together with its focus on sector specialisms helps to explain why MHA Carpenter Box has grown to a headcount of over 140, as does the outstanding success of its Gatwick office, which has tripled in size since first opening in June 2015.

    MHA’s eight member firms have offices in 50 locations across England, Scotland and Wales. Its combined turnover puts the Association in the country’s top 15 UK accountancy groupings enabling MHA Carpenter Box to provide support to clients of every size and in every sector.

  • 13 January 2017 1:09 PM | Deleted user

    Multi Million Pound Boost to Support Access into Higher Level Education Across Sussex 

    Efforts to increase the participation in higher education of disadvantaged groups across East and West Sussex and Brighton & Hove has received a major boost with confirmation that the Sussex Learning Network has been successful in its bid for a share of a new £60 million per year programme. 

    The National Collaborative Outreach Programme (NCOP) will launch on 24 January 2017 with the aim of driving a step change in the progression into higher education of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds, including members of ethnic minority groups and young men. The programme, which is funded by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), will particularly focus on delivering activities which builds upon and boosts outreach in schools and local communities, as well as developing innovative ways to meet specific challenges in areas where participation in higher education tends to be low.

    The Sussex Learning Network has been operating for over 10 years and brings together the combined expertise of the Universities of Brighton, Sussex and Chichester together with many of the local Further Education colleges, local councils, careers services and training providers across the region in a strategic partnership.

    The Network’s successful bid, which is worth almost £8 million over the next four years, will focus on developing clear and appropriately supported pathways through various educational routes to relevant forms of higher level study aligned to local need and future demand.

    Welcoming the announcement, Sarah Williams, Director of the Sussex Learning Network said: “This is fantastic news. Despite being fairly prosperous overall the coastal and rural nature of the region means there are several pockets of deprivation and sectors with low skills levels. When combined with other factors this means that we see lower than expected progression into higher education in some areas and amongst certain groups.

    “This funding means that we can build on the considerable expertise and experience of our local universities, FE colleges and other partners to develop supported programmes that will have a real impact on raising aspirations and open up higher education opportunities to many who are currently missing out.”

    A large-scale evaluation programme will measure the impact of the programme from the start, and will build a powerful evidence base to ensure the investment is concentrated on effective activity.

    Universities and Science Minister Jo Johnson said: “We are seeing record numbers of disadvantaged young people going to university and benefiting from the real opportunities that our world class universities can offer.

    “This funding and the schemes that have been developed by universities will make a real difference to young people in key areas. In addition to this, we are legislating for a new transparency duty which will place a clear requirement on all universities to release more information about their admissions process and real incentives on all institutions to go further and faster to promote social mobility.”

    HEFCE Director of Policy Chris Millward said: “NCOP represents a significant investment by HEFCE in improving the life chances of young people in some of our most disadvantaged communities. Our evidence has shown that there are young people in these areas who are achieving the qualifications they need to benefit from higher education, but are not currently doing so. The programme will ensure that they are better equipped to make the right choice for them by exposing the range of higher education options available and the careers they make possible.”

    For further information please contact Sarah Williams, Director of the Sussex Learning Network at

  • 13 January 2017 1:02 PM | Deleted user

    Small Business Confidence Rebounds In the South East

    About 94 per cent of small businesses in the South East expect to remain the same size or expand operations over the next year, according to the latest findings by the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB). Small business confidence ‘rebounds in the South East’

    The report also revealed amid a fall in the value of the pound, four in ten exporters surveyed expect to increase overseas sales in the next quarter. It added that UK small business confidence in the last quarter bounced back to the level reported before the EU referendum campaign began and FSB’s Small Business Index (SBI) has now moved into positive territory.

    The headline confidence measure now stands at +8.5, up from -2.9 in the previous quarter and reaching approximately the same level as it stood at the start of 2016 at +8.6.

    Mike Cherry, national chairman at the Federation of Small Businesses, said: "We are delighted to see confidence bounce back at the end of 2016, effectively wiping out the fall we saw over the course of the year in the run-up to the EU referendum and its immediate fallout. The current economic outlook seems brighter, and UK small businesses are ambitious and want to make the most of it.

    "Small exporters continue their strong rise, as UK goods and services become more competitive overseas and small businesses go out to find new markets and new customers."

    He added: "Despite the overall positive picture, our members still face many challenges as rising costs squeeze margins even further. The falling pound is driving up the price of imports and rising oil prices are being reflected in higher fuel costs. These inflationary pressures and price competition are hitting the bottom line hard with the majority of small firms seeing their profits continue to fall."

    Read more here from Insider Media

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