Message from the AWBP Chair, Andrew Swayne

12 February 2021 10:29 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Message from the AWBP Chair, Andrew Swayne 

Its good to see infection rates reducing and pressure reducing on our hospitals. The trends are not strong, but the reopening of schools and business is likely to be in measured steps – we just have to wait and see for the promised announcements on 15 and 22 February.  There is also progress on community and workplace lateral flow testing.
It’s now very clear that border control will have a slower rate of relaxation than the internal economy within the UK, so my bet is for a strong staycation pitch for the hospitality and culture sectors.  Getting our offer fresh and sharp to challenge the competition will be important. That applies to the businesses and the public realm.
When it comes to fiscal support, I think all the big announcements will come in the budget in early March.
We are starting to see movement on green recovery planning and the government seeking interest in projects which are “shovel ready” – if you have something in mind, please contact AWBP.

There is a particular focus on hydrogen and “Hydrogen Sussex” has a launch event on 26 February 1030-1200. We are keen to engage more businesses as there is a wish to build a hydrogen driven economy in Greater Brighton. Click here to register
In the next edition we want to share some local business success stories – please share yours with us via Adur & Worthing Councils -