Action on climate change proposed by Adur & Worthing Climate Assembly

12 February 2021 10:52 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Action on climate change proposed by Adur & Worthing Climate Assembly

Greater protection for green spaces, more cycle routes and support for local food production, are included in a series of recommendations drawn up by the Adur & Worthing Climate Assembly. 

The 18 recommendations - which cover biodiversity, education, energy use, planning, transport, waste reduction and recycling - are to be put before leaders of Adur & Worthing Councils’ next week at the Joint Strategic Committee. 

Forty three local residents were randomly selected from the local population to form the Adur & Worthing Climate Assembly. Its members met online over five weekends between September and December 2020 to hear evidence from leading experts on climate change. They also heard from local community groups and businesses about the work they have been doing to tackle the climate crisis. 

The recommended actions, which are for the Councils, local community groups and wider stakeholders, including private and sector organisations and residents, include: 

  • Protecting our green spaces by encouraging and promoting biodiversity through rewilding and establishing a network of community growing spaces to support local food production and tackle food poverty.
  • Educating and encouraging behaviour change around key themes including reducing plastic use, biodiversity, recycling and energy use. 
  • Encouraging and incentivising energy efficiency improvements; and improving access to low, zero carbon and affordable energy options.
  • Incorporating the highest standards of biodiversity and sustainability and environmental protection into planning applications. 
  • Reducing car use by creating more safe cycling routes, installing more charging points and parking spaces for electric vehicles and investing in affordable, accessible and greener public transport. 
  • Reducing waste by establishing more opportunities for upcycling and repairing; supporting and encouraging composting and promoting ways for residents and businesses to eliminate unnecessary waste. 

Cllr Angus Dunn, Deputy Leader of Adur District Council, said: “It’s clear that the members of the Climate Assembly have put a considerable amount of work into this process; and drawn up some great recommendations for the Councils and wider stakeholders to consider and take forward.”

Cllr Daniel Humphreys, Leader of Worthing Borough Council, said: The good news is that there’s a lot of synergy between the recommendations and our ambitions for tackling climate change. I look forward to seeing how these recommendations are developed into local action for tackling the climate crisis.” 

In 2019, Adur & Worthing Councils declared a climate emergency and has committed to become carbon neutral across Adur and Worthing by 2050. The Adur & Worthing Climate Assembly was called as part of the Councils’ commitment to strengthen its response to the climate crisis. The recommendations from the Climate Assembly will inform the development of the Councils’ SustainableAW programme for protecting and improving the environment in Adur and Worthing. 

The Climate Assembly was run independently by Democratic Society, a non-partisan organisation committed to improving democratic participation, with the Sortition Foundation running the recruitment for the Assembly.

More information can be found at