West Sussex COVID-19 - Roadmap out of lockdown

10 March 2021 11:11 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

West Sussex COVID-19 - Roadmap out of lockdown

The infection rates in West Sussex continue to drop. View our data dashboard here.

At the same time, more than half a million COVID-19 vaccinations have already been given to protect people across Sussex in the most vulnerable groups.

We’re now reviewing the government’s lockdown exit plan and the implications this has on our services.

Dr Tony Hill, West Sussex County Council’s Interim Director of Public Health, said: “As more and more people receive their vaccinations, each one takes us a step nearer to coming out of lockdown.

“I’m pleased to see the cases in West Sussex fall, but COVID-19 is still present in our community and numbers will rise again if we don’t stick to the rules.

“We must continue to keep West Sussex safe by following the current guidelines, washing our hands regularly, wearing face masks whenever necessary and keeping a social distance from those outside of our households.”

Amanda Jupp, Cabinet Member for Adults & Health and Chair of the Local Outbreak Engagement Board, said: “The pandemic has been a difficult time, especially for those who have lost loved ones, battled coronavirus themselves or who have suffered hardship.

“The lockdown exit plan, along with the ongoing vaccination programme, hopefully offers some optimism for the coming months.

“However, it is still vital that we all play our part by following the rules to make sure everyone’s efforts to get us back to normal have not been in vain.”

Visit the Government’s website for details on the roadmap out of lockdown