Adur District Council buys former police station site - investing almost £1.1m into the regeneration of Lancing Village

02 June 2021 11:48 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Adur District Council buys former police station site - investing almost £1.1m into the regeneration of Lancing Village

A prominent building in the heart of Lancing is set to be regenerated with the community in mind after it was purchased by Adur District Council.

The acquisition of the former police station in North Road was agreed last month, with the Council committing to investing almost £1.1m into helping to regenerate Lancing Village.

The purchase price of the site was £850,000 and the authority has committed a further £200,000 in order to bring forward viable proposals.

Due to the site’s prominence and importance, the Council has pledged to carry out wider community and stakeholder engagement so that residents have a say in the future of the area.

It will form part of the authority’s wider programme to support the regeneration of its town and village centres.

Options for the site could include retail, residential, medical or a community hub. Planning permission will be required before any works go ahead.

Councillor Carson Albury, Adur’s Executive Member for Customer Services, approved the purchase of the site. 

He said: “I’m very pleased to be able to say we have purchased this prominent site which has been empty for too long.

“We will be undertaking a full and thorough consultation with the people of Lancing to find out what potential uses for the site would best serve the community and I believe this is a great move for the area.

“The Council will bring together various stakeholders who are interested in investing in the village and further redevelopment such as this will help to breathe new life into Lancing Village Centre.”