Tree planting exercise sees 30 youngsters making a difference to Shoreham's Buckingham Park

02 June 2021 12:25 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Tree planting exercise sees 30 youngsters making a difference to Shoreham's Buckingham Park 

School children have played their part in helping the climate by taking part in a tree-planting exercise led by Adur & Worthing Councils’ Park Rangers.

A group of 30 youngsters from Buckingham Park Primary School were invited to plant 18 sweet chestnut trees in the middle of Buckingham Park in Shoreham.

The initiative provided the children with the chance to enjoy time out in the open green space, learn about what’s important for the climate and work as part of a team.

Nathan Hollisey-McLean, the school’s Assistant Head Teacher, said: “A lot of the children live in a flat or a house where they haven't got a garden - so many of them haven't experienced planting anything - let alone a sapling or a tree.

“Being just down the road, our students spend a lot of time here and have a strong connection to Buckingham Park, so it will be pretty cool for them to see something they’ve planted grow over their lifetimes.

“A lot of children these days are aware of climate change and deforestation, so it’s great that they know how trees feed the planet and are aware that we need to keep planting.”

Ricky Purnell, from Tree Action UK, attended the event - and has been working with local schools and the Councils to get children more involved with tree planting across the area.

The not for profit community interest company organises tree-planting events in schools, colleges, public spaces and on private land, to improve the environment, tackle climate change and improve the mental wellbeing of young people through connecting them with nature.

Ricky said: “Planting trees is a stress releasing exercise. It allows those who spend too much time on screens to have some quality time to connect with the environment. 

“Not only is it a great team building activity, but it also encourages our future generations to do their part in helping with the world’s climate crisis.”

The Councils are always looking for ways to improve sustainability across the area’s green spaces. 

The project was organised by Liam Lord, who is the Arboricultural Inspector for the Councils. 

He said: “The trees were grown from seed from the veteran sweet chestnuts trees, to preserve the history of the existing trees.”