Take part in Guildcare's first ever Firewalk Challenge

20 October 2021 10:33 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Take part in Guildcare's first ever Firewalk Challenge

On Thursday 4th November Guildcare is hosting its first ever Firewalk at the Thomas A Becket pub! Why not bring your friends and family as you learn to conquer your fears by walking across 30ft of burning coals?

And all of this whilst raising money for our invaluable work, changing the lives of the most vulnerable in your community.

What is a firewalk and why should I take part?

Firewalking is the act of walking barefoot over a bed of hot embers or stones. It has a long history in many cultures as a test or proof of faith, and the act is also used in modern motivational seminars.

A firewalk is the most inspirational journey you will ever undertake. It is as the name suggests: a bare foot walk over red-hot wood embers measuring around 800 degrees. No tricks, no special effects; just you and the fire.

The decision to walk across the coals is dramatically life changing. Not just because you have decided to firewalk, but because you have consciously decided not to let your fear inhibit your actions. After all, if you can walk safely across hot coals, what else is possible?

Integral to the night is a seminar teaching you the techniques needed to conquer your fear. Once you take the power away from fear, there is really nothing stopping you.

How to take part

It costs £25 to register. Click here to register.

We are also asking for a minimum sponsorship of £100. If this isn’t raised a week before the event, we ask you make up the difference, which will cover the costs of the event itself.

We will send you a link to join the JustGiving group when you have signed up so that you can get all your friends and family to sponsor you. You can also download a physical sponsorship form here.
