Safe in Sussex Gingerbread House Fun!

20 October 2021 10:45 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Safe in Sussex Gingerbread House Fun!

This year is the 4th year of having Gingerbread House Fun. After the amazing success of selling 613 houses last year, this year we want to take the event to another dimension, so we’re hosting a public Gingerbread House Event!

How can a business get involved?

Gingerbread House Event Sponsorship Packages (NEW for 2021)

Due to such a great demand last year, we want to offer local businesses the chance to be associated with Safe in Sussex’s Gingerbread House Events.

Ideas of what we could offer your business:

  • Name in title of our events - ex. Safe in Sussex Gingerbread House Decorating Competition or Safe in Sussex Gingerbread House Event Sponsored by...
  • Name in title of our competitions
  • Opportunity for you to demonstrate corporate social responsibility by supporting a domestic abuse charity within your local community – whilst highlighting our essential services to your staff.
  • Get your sugar rush and claim a coveted place as one of our judges!
  • Receive social media coverage and feature in any event press releases (we have nearly 2,000 followers on Facebook & nearly 1,200 on Twitter)
  • Get featured on our website (We had 1,140 visits in August to our website.  If there are statistics you would like to know about our website, please let us know.

To discuss your involvement, and any further ideas you may have, please don’t hesitate to get in touch (details are on the following page).

2021 Gingerbread House Decorating Competition

Our signature event is back for the 4th year, open to Businesses or Community Groups, with entry costs beginning at £50.

For £50 you receive one large pack house, measuring approx. 6” x 7” and 5” high, fitting on an 8” board. This will be sent by 26th November, giving you 2 weeks to make and decorate the house for the competition on Zoom - Friday 10th December at 12 noon (with images sent to judges by 11am beforehand).

This will be a really fun event, with the houses being judged on 3 things: Imagination, Inspiration & Appearance

As well as an opportunity to network with local businesses, by chatting about your house and organisation, you’ll gain some great publicity too.

Internal Gingerbread House Competitions (NEW for 2021)

You can buy large (£30) or small (£25) house packs for your staff so you can run an internal Gingerbread House Decorating competition - either interdepartmental or just as individuals. The small house measurements are 4” x 4” x 4.5” high to fit on a 6” board.

A Gingerbread House Making Kit as a Thank You/Christmas Gift - (NEW for 2021)

Help raise vital funds for Safe in Sussex and give a high-quality Gingerbread House Making Kit as Christmas gifts to staff, clients, volunteers or suppliers.

Fund a Gingerbread House Decorating Party for our Refuge Families (NEW for 2021)

You or your business or community group could pay for all our families to have a large or small Gingerbread House pack and a decorating event.

Please note, for all these options, postage comes at an additional cost, discounts are available for bulk orders, and, when all houses are finished, it would be great if they can be brought to us to be displayed at our Gingerbread House Decorating event on Saturday 11th December 2021.

Some shocking reasons why we need your help

  • There were 21,000 reported incidents of domestic abuse reported to the police in Sussex in 2020
  • We had 888 referrals in 2020 for online Community group help
  • 1 in 4 women will experience domestic abuse in their lifetime   
  • 1 in 6 men will experience domestic abuse in their lifetime   
  • 1 in 5 children are exposed to domestic abuse in the family home   
  • On average 2 women a week are killed by a current or former partner  

Please contact Debbie West on to discuss any of these options. All proceeds will go to the vital work of Safe in Sussex, Charity No 1098726.