New initiative offers employment boost for young people

25 October 2021 12:20 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

New initiative offers employment boost for young people

A new centre where young people can get help with training, apprenticeships and employment has opened for business in Worthing. 

The One Stop Youth Employment Hub in Marine Place in Worthing, which is run as a partnership between the Department for Work & Pensions, local community group The Sid Youth and Adur & Worthing Council, provides support to young people whose employment prospects have been impacted by the COVID pandemic. 

Many young people in Adur and Worthing have lost their jobs or training opportunities as a result of the COVID pandemic, while others have struggled to secure employment since leaving education. 

As the fallout from the pandemic continues and the furlough scheme comes to an end later this year, it is anticipated that there will be further job losses and redundancies, with young people, in particular, being affected. 

At present, more than 1,100  people under the age of 25 are currently claiming unemployment related benefits in Adur and Worthing.

To support young people back into work, they will be able to get one-to-one support from a careers coach and help with CV writing, interview preparation and communication skills. Health practitioners will also be on-hand to provide support with mental or physical health issues that may be getting in the way of young people finding work or training opportunities. 

The initiative is supported by several training providers and local businesses and organisations, including GBMET, Albion in the Community and Worthing’s new creative space, Audio Active. 

Cllr Brian Boggis, Adur District Council's Executive Member for Regeneration, said:

“Young people at the start of their careers are among the worst hit by the impact of COVID and we’re now seeing high unemployment rates in this age group. 

“Through the One Stop Youth Employment Hub, we aim to give young people the best possible chance of finding work in these uncertain times by connecting them with local employers and training providers.”

Cllr Kevin Jenkins, Worthing Borough Council's Executive Member for Regeneration, said:

“We know that many young people have been struggling with their mental health as a result of the pandemic and are concerned about their loss of education or prospects for finding work. 

“By having a physical premises in the town centre for young people to meet with careers coaches and access wider support services, we can provide more tailored and holistic support, including addressing the physical and mental health needs of individuals to help them find work.”

The One Stop Youth Employment Hub is part of a wider package to support young people to find employment in Adur and Worthing. Earlier this year, the Councils secured work placements for several 16-24-year-olds under the Kickstart scheme. This Government-funded project provides young people who are on Universal Credit or deemed to be at risk of long-term unemployment with six-month work placements. 

Find out more about the One Stop Youth Employment Hub at:

Follow @OneStop-Youth on Instagram to learn about job opportunities, hear about events and get tips for applying for jobs.