Why are all the same people applying for your jobs? Chamber Members, Watch This Sp_Ce are running a workshop to help you recruit diverse teams

24 November 2021 1:55 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Why are all the same people applying for your jobs? Chamber Members, Watch This Sp_Ce are running a workshop to help you recruit diverse teams 

Date: Thursday 27th January
Time: 1pm - 2pm 
Cost: £10 

A diverse workforce is vital for organisational success, so how can you encourage different people to join your team?

Diverse teams make faster and better decisions, predict and handle crises better, are more creative, drive greater innovation and MAKE MORE MONEY.

Yet time and time again we hear businesses say that they simply can't recruit different types of people - diverse people just aren't applying for our jobs, they say.

So let's do something about it. Watch This Sp_ce's expert panel will look at the challenges when it comes recruiting diverse teams, and what you can do to overcome them.

From building an inclusive recruitment process to improving your employer brand and demonstrating a commitment to inclusion across the organisation, this event will give you inspiration and practical advice to help you benefit from the variety of perspectives, ideas and experiences that you need to drive your organisation forward.

Click here to book