Up to £7500 for West Sussex-based SMEs as part of RISE project

14 December 2021 10:28 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Up to £7500 for West Sussex-based SMEs as part of RISE project 

RISE provides West Sussex-based SMEs with access to up to £7500 worth of leading university expertise, supporting business growth through focused innovation R&D activity. 

RISE provides businesses with a low-risk and structured way to explore, test, develop and implement ideas using fully-funded expertise from the universities of Brighton and Sussex, and with the support of dedicated Innovation Advisors. 

Designed to provide businesses with insights from leading innovation experts to develop skills, ideas and the capability to innovate.

RISE Recovery workshops provide businesses with...

  • tools and support to maximise opportunities
  • skills and support to help navigate the constant change and challenges
  • tools and support to help businesses be more agile, able to adapt, flex and innovate.

Find out more here