Come Trekking With Us to the Balkans!

05 January 2022 10:05 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Go Trekking With Link to Hope to the Balkans!

Link to Hope has 10 places left to take part in our Sponsored Balkan Trek 2022.  20 of us will be flying into Albania between the 11th – 18th June 2022 to raise money for the work of Link to Hope in rebuilding lives and communities in Eastern Europe.  From our starting point we will be doing a 100k circular trek that will mean we also visit the countries of Kosovo and Montenegro. So for those looking to tick off more countries on your list, that’s three countries in one trip!

The trip costs £695 that includes flights, accommodation, in country transport, meals, guides etc.  You just need to raise £1,000 in sponsorship to support our education and social care projects that Link to Hope run all year round.  This is our seventh challenge event and no-one has failed to raise the sponsorship target as we give maximum help and assistance to make sure you achieve your goal.  This is marked as a 4 out of 10 trek in terms of difficulty and you need to be reasonably fit to take part as well as over 18.

Imagine yourself there….. ‘a hiking trail that traverses the Western Balkans, an area where ancient tracks connect remote regions. The epic walk passes through villages,  separated  by   strict   borders and   fortified   by    bunkers.  Winding through meadows, mountain  peaks,  lakes and     woodlands,     this     is     one     of     the most  diverse   walking   trails   in   the world.  The  views  and  the  trails transform,  switching  from   rocky   paths and bare peaks  to  meadows  rich  with flowers  and   plants,   where   nature   has been left to run wild’

For anyone wanting more information please ring us on 01903 529333 or go to