A free course for ambitious professionals that want to grow a purposeful network

17 March 2022 3:39 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

A free course for ambitious professionals that want to grow a purposeful network

More than 12 hours taking place across 6 weeks, GLIDE – Radical Collaboration is a fully funded, modular, online course you can curate yourself. Through keynote events, webinars and interactive workshops, completing this course will give you a grounding in modern network-building and the knowledge to make the most of contemporary tools, collaboration opportunities and social business models. The GLIDE programme is funded by the European Regional Development Fund and Buckinghamshire New University.

The old business relationships between companies, customers, and their competition no longer apply. The rules are being re-written. Successful enterprises are putting purpose first, embracing fragmentation and making the most of a new collaborative landscape to build sustainable networks around ideas as much as products.

GLIDE – Radical Collaboration brings together experts in this collaboration mindset to help you find others who share your ambition and who will help you push your ideas to the next level.

The course will kick off with a webinar on March 29th which features a keynote from Neil Gibb, author of The Participation Revolution.

Full course details and registration: https://www.alwayspossible.co.uk/building-business/how-we-help/glide/