On Saturday 23rd July 2022, Adur Special Needs Project (ASNP) will be returning with their annual fundraiser, Shoreham’s charity character hunt.

29 June 2022 12:44 PM | Anonymous

On Saturday 23rd July 2022, Adur Special Needs Project (ASNP) will be returning with their annual fundraiser, Shoreham’s charity character hunt.

We had an amazing response with last year’s event and we look forward to returning with Star Trail again.  The event will run alongside the Shoreham Artisan Market, to ensure the maximum number of attendees and will be open to anyone who would like to take part.  The hunt will run from 9.30am to 13.00pm (last registration 12.00pm).    

We have 15 amazing volunteers dressed as characters from films, books and television, including Disney Characters, superheroes and cartoon characters to name but a few.  

Our aim is to raise at least £5,000 and we hope that the local community will get behind this event by getting involved. We are now offering businesses and local organisations an opportunity to support the event by becoming a sponsor of one of our characters.   

For local businesses, our sponsorship packages start with a minimum donation of £175, which will go towards meeting our fundraising target. I’m sure when you read about the valuable work that we are doing you will want to get involved.  

Headline Sponsorship Packages – up to 5 packages available

For a minimum donation of £550, you will receive:

·         Your choice of one of our characters, wearing your company name and logo for the duration of the event.

·         Your business name and logo on the event’s publicity material.

·         Event photograph with your character on the day

·         Raised profile through local press coverage.

·         Our thanks on our website and our Facebook event marketing.

·         Becoming one of our business ambassadors for 12 months.

Character Sponsorship – 9 packages available

For a minimum donation of £175 you can:

·         Choose one of our characters to sponsor.  

·         Your support will be recognised throughout our press and event marketing. 

·         Event photograph with your character on the day.

·         On the day we will recognise your support as each character will carry your logo. 

We appreciate that with the pandemic and the increased cost of living it has been difficult for everyone. For us as a Charity, supporting our families has become more important than ever and we now have a waiting list of children looking to join the play scheme.  Here’s what one of our parent said recently. 

It (ANSP) has been an absolute lifeline.  We really appreciate the respite that ASNP has given us when it was needed more than ever. 

Due to our amazing, committed and caring team, we now support 22 children on a regular basis, running no less than 20 play schemes a year.  In fact, we now support more children and run more play sessions than at any time in our 30 year history.  

If you are unable to support us through sponsorship but would still like to get involved, please contact Heidi Rush, Chair on 07753 527005 or by email to Chair@adurspecialneedsproject.org.uk.  We are also looking for raffle prizes for this and future events, as well as donations.

As a charity we always try to hold fun events for the local children, families and local residents to participate in and we do hope that you can be one of our sponsors on the 23rd July.