Award-winning Sussex Start-up Reimagining the World of Conferences and Awards

07 July 2022 9:25 AM | Anonymous

Award-winning Sussex Start-up Reimagining the World of Conferences and Awards

Fresh from their win at the Dynamic Business awards last week, where they were named Start-Up of the Year, innovative inclusion consultancy Watch This Sp_ce is launching a brand new type of awards.

The Reimagination at Work Awards will celebrate organisations that are finding new ways to work and do business that include a wider variety of people. From bold approaches to flexible working, to innovative accessibility solutions, to better ways of understanding and supporting employees, and so much more, the Watch This Sp_ce team are looking forward to sharing the stories of organisations that are helping the way we work to evolve into a brighter future.

These awards are not like any other. There are no categories, and no losers. Simply tell your story and, if it’s one that others can learn from and be inspired by, then you’ll be given an award. The Watch This Sp_ce team will be sharing the stories of all award winners far and wide to help demonstrate how we can all make the world of work better for everyone.

Allegra Chapman, Co-Creator of Watch This Sp_ce, said: “We believe in collaboration over competition, and that’s what we want to champion with these awards. Changing the world of work is a big job, and not one that any single organisation can accomplish alone. We all need to work together to build a better world, so, rather than pit people who are doing great things against one another, we want to bring them all together to celebrate their fantastic achievements. We want to combat the scarcity mentality that drives people to compete with those striving for the same aims as them - there is plenty of opportunity and glory to go around!”

The awards will be held as part of the Reimagination at Work Conference, Watch This Sp_ce’s virtual conference exploring the ways that the world of work is evolving. The week-long event takes place during National Inclusion Week, Monday 26th September - Sunday 2nd October, and all talks are available online and on-demand to make them accessible to all. Speakers include renowned speaker and author Nadia Finer, former footballer, anti-racism campaigner and broadcaster Paul Mortimer, inspirational speaker and campaigner Marc Convey, and activist and TEDx speaker Kaia Allen-Bevan. Topics covered will include accessibility, neurodiversity, allyship, leadership, collaboration, bereavement and digital self-care. Tickets are just £20 and can be purchased at

Watch This Sp_ce Co-Creator Mo Kanjilal said: “We’re so excited for the incredible talks we have lined up. The speakers are all highly inspirational, but they will also give practical takeaways that viewers can use to drive greater inclusion and innovation in their own workplaces.

“To be able to celebrate great work in this area with our awards is also something we’re very much looking forward to. We’ve been grateful to win several awards in our first two years of business, and they’ve all benefited us and our growth hugely. It’s wonderful to be able to pay that forward and give a lift to other organisations that are doing important work in this space. Winning has been a big surprise to us each time, and has meant so very much. So we really urge anyone who’s thinking about entering the Reimagination at Work Awards to give it a go - it does so much for your profile and your motivation.”

The Reimagination at Work Awards are free to enter - simply visit and fill in the entry form before 31st July.