Join Chichester College Group’s Skills Advisory Panels!

22 November 2022 11:39 AM | Anonymous

Join Chichester College Group’s Skills Advisory Panels!

Chichester College Group is looking for experts to join its Skills Advisory Panels. The panels play a key role in ensuring that the Group is meeting the local and regional skills needs.

The group will meet online three times a year online and will support us by:

  •  validating our curriculum offer and identify new course opportunities
  • reviewing and challenging market intelligence data - labour and skills
  • ensuring CCG is meeting employer needs locally and regionally

We also hope you benefit from joining by:

  •  meeting and networking with like minding colleagues – sharing challenges and best practice
  • gain a greater understanding of the skills landscape locally and regionally
  • learning more about the range of government funded and non-funded programmes
  • influencing CCG policy and practice

If you are interested in finding our more, please contact Paul Rolfe – Associate Principal