An inspiring tale of the pandemic prompting a change of direction from Vicky Vaughan, one of our Chamber Members.

04 January 2023 9:38 AM | Anonymous

It’s never too late!

An inspiring tale of the pandemic prompting a change of direction from Vicky Vaughan, one of our Chamber Members.

I have been a graphic designer and creative Chartered Marketer specialising in logo design and branding, as The Brand Surgery, for 21 years. During the pandemic, no one wanted a new logo because, not surprisingly, we were worried about the future and staying healthy.

Therefore, I channelled my creative energy into drawing Sussex architecture in Art Deco style. I have always been interested in architectural patterns and particularly enjoy making buildings look the best they can, adding a little artistic license here and there. Not all the buildings I draw are Art Deco in origin, however rules are made to be broken! 

One day, towards the end of lockdown, when shops were beginning to reopen, I ventured to Montague Gallery in Portland Road in Worthing and shyly presented my portfolio of Art Deco illustrations - Brighton City/Shoreham Airport, Sunny Worthing and The Prom were my first. Alan and Kim, the gallery owners, invited me to rent some gallery space. Alongside over 40 talented artists, which gave me the confidence to keep creating more.

Initially, I found it scary to share my personal art – it's completely different from commercial graphic design in that the designs are coming from my heart and soul, and not to a client brief. Customers have shared that they find my designs uplifting, which during these testing times, is fantastic. My marketing and branding experience has helped in marketing my work, plus creating a colourful palette that works well when hanging on a gallery wall and individually in customers' homes.

I hope that my story will inspire Chamber Members to have the courage to change direction if something inside is calling them to do so. There is so much talent out there, but as I have personally experienced, our imposter syndrome can keep us from nurturing our talent. I probably wouldn’t have had the courage to sell my personal work if I hadn’t been encouraged to by Kim and Alan. The message here is that if you know someone who has a gift, then encourage them to unleash it, because like me, they may need a little nudge. There is a balance between aspiring for success and comparing ourselves to more successful people, which can make or break our confidence. A little faith or encouragement goes a long way and makes a real difference.

Apart from selling my Art Deco framed art and gifts at Montague Gallery, I love being part of the artist community. There are over 40 talented artists selling their work which are perfect for unique Christmas, anniversary and birthday gifts. 

The Brand Surgery is still very much in business, having recently designed Worthing Dome Cinema’s and England and Wales Blind Golf branding. I feel I am the luckiest person alive, having two creative platforms in which to grow. 

Art Deco designs at:
Chartered Marketer and Branding:
Montague Gallery: