Colonnade House - February Events!

07 February 2023 9:12 AM | Anonymous

Colonnade House - February Events!

We began 2023 with an exciting roster of talks, workshops and the launch of our Creative Commissions (more information about those at the bottom of the newsletter). This February we return, to showcase a wonderful selection of artists and creative charities who are bringing poignant, fun and captivating exhibitions to Worthing

7th - 18th February Ukranian Renaissance. Unbowed
The Ukrainian refugees’ dozen will present their culture with handmade works inspired by the unbowed spirit they have despite the tragic obstacles they live through.
Workshops, lectures, and documentaries will help you get a sense of their unconquerable nature: a highlight for Ukrainian art & culture.

21st - 15th February Superstar Arts: Portraits, Prints & More
For this 2023 exhibition, Superstar Arts are focusing on screen prints and portraits, designed, printed, painted and collaged by the Superstar artists with support from arts and craft practitioners.

28th February - 5th March Natalia Samarina: My Art

Natalia is an aspiring artist who started her journey a couple of years ago. After recently moving to Sussex from Moscow, the beauty of the coast, hills and surrounding nature ignited her imagination. In her works she uses various oil painting techniques inspired by the beauty of nature and the works of Monet, Aivazovsky, Cezanne, Renoir, Pissarro and Shishkin. In her words, "everything that creates harmony and light captivates me".

Natalia Samarina: My Art - Colonnade House