Worthing community groups invited to find out if they are eligible for development funding

12 April 2023 9:26 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Worthing community groups invited to find out if they are eligible for development funding

Worthing-based community groups, organisations and residents associations are being invited to find out if they are eligible to apply for funding from Worthing Borough Council.

The Council has made changes to how its Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Neighbourhood Fund is distributed, to open it up to more groups and make it easier to apply.

The Worthing CIL Neighbourhood Fund is made up of a proportion of the payments collected from developers building in the local area to offset the impact felt by residents.

This year the fund has been expanded to cover a wider area of Worthing, with groups based in any of the following areas eligible to apply:

  • Coastal East: Heene, Central and Selden wards
  • Coastal West: Marine and Goring wards
  • North West: Northbrook, Castle and Durrington wards
  • North: Tarring, Gaisford and Salvington wards

The fund covers both revenue projects and new infrastructure projects up to a maximum of £15,000.

Applications will open in May, but the Council is inviting groups to find out if they are eligible now by filling out a simple expression of interest form.

A Council spokesperson said:

“We have made a series of changes to the CIL Neighbourhood Fund since it first launched in 2021 to make it fairer, more transparent and easier to apply for.

“The new expression of interest stage will allow community groups, organisations and residents associations to easily find out if they are eligible for funding ahead of making a formal application.

“Any groups that are not fully ready to apply will be given advice from the Council or referred to Community Works, a local organisation that supports the voluntary sector.”

To find the expression of interest form and for more information about the fund click here.