Worthing Ukrainian Friends Support

27 July 2023 4:08 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Worthing Ukrainian Friends Support

There are abut 130 Ukrainian women and children refugees from the war,  staying with hosts in Worthing under Governments Homes for Ukraine Scheme . some having experienced severe trauma and many having  lost their jobs and  careers

The Ukrainian Friends Network was established last year to help their integration and wellbeing while they are with us by providing  English Tuition, social activities, occasional group visits and a Job Club

Worthing Ukrainian Friends Support are now  seeking:

1.  Mentors to help Ukrainians practice English and find work -needing about 2 hours face to face per week for a limited time

2. Young women to help with befriending Ukrainian women, with social and possible sport and fitness activities

For more information please visit www.ukrainianfriends.net