Worthing Borough Council - Public Consultation: Worthing Conservation Area Reviews

01 November 2023 11:13 AM | Anonymous

Worthing Borough Council - Public Consultation: Worthing Conservation Area Reviews

Worthing Borough Council has undertaken a review of Goring Hall Conservation Area and Steyne Gardens Conservation Area. With regards to Goring Hall, the Council is consulting on a draft conservation area character appraisal. For Steyne Gardens, the Council is consulting on proposed revisions to the boundaries of this conservation area, and a draft conservation area character appraisal. In addition, a new conservation area is proposed to be designated at Marine Gardens.

The consultation period runs from 19 October 2023 – 30 November 2023. More details, including how to respond, can be found by following the link below:


Alternatively, copies of the documents and response forms can be found at Worthing Town Hall, Worthing Library and Goring Library during office opening hours.