Check out Pro-Actions Business Workshop Programme

04 January 2024 9:22 AM | Anonymous

Check out Pro-Actions Business Workshop Programme

As a small business owner do you find it challenging to rise above everyday operations and focus on strategic planning and long-term growth? A Pro-actions Business Workshop Programme is like having your own board of directors; a pool of experienced colleagues there to help you, guide you and assist you in growing your business. It is a proven methodology consisting of strategies and techniques which will help you achieve more results in less time.

The Pro-actions Mini MBA
Our workshops are facilitated by experienced coaches who have learnt the lessons the hard way – in the school of real, practical business. The programme consists of 12, monthly sessions that provide a business owner and / or key team members with a complete understanding of core business disciplines. A workshop will have up to 10 non competing businesses and will involve presentation, group discussion, and both individual and group working.

Key to success is the “homework”, with an expectation that attendees will begin to put the principles discussed at the workshops into practice between sessions. Each new workshop offers an opportunity for the sharing of experiences, successes and challenges from putting principle into practice.

“ Our delegates typically find that during the programme they see a marked increase in revenue, growth and confidence"

Seize the opportunity to improve results and grow your business now! Business Workshops are about driving results. You get continuous, accelerated, practical support & insights that you can put into practice immediately. Move quickly as places are limited.

Just £250 + VAT per month or alternately £2500 + VAT if paid in advance for the year.

For more information visit