Inspire You Member Case Study

12 June 2024 2:28 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Inspire You Member Case Study

1. What do you do? 

We champion mental fitness for improved performance and productivity on individual, team, and organisational levels. 

With science-backed approaches, our award-winning therapy, training, and coaching business enhances motivation, connection, and stress management. 

Our bespoke solutions include workshops, webinars, and personalised coaching, bolstered by innovative online platforms and partnerships. 

With core values in Freedom, Fun and making a difference we empower organisations to thrive.

2. Why did you join the Chamber? 

I joined the chamber to connect with the local business community , seeking opportunities for collaboration, growth, and community engagement. By aligning with like-minded entrepreneurs and businesses, and accessing exclusive events, and workshops, my aim was to bolster my brand awareness and credibility within the Adur and Worthing area. Ultimately, my vision is to foster sustainable relationships, and leverage collective expertise, shopping local and being able to work ON the business as well as IN. I get energised by my local tribe.

3. What's your favourite thing about being a member? 

My favourite thing about being a member is having regular meet ups with business friends, learning something new and having fun, which when working on your own A gets me out of the house and B keeps me connected and allows me to learn from others. The sense of belonging the Chamber fosters is invaluable to me. Through regular meetups, I not only expand my professional network but I can also sound off to fellow business owners who understand the unique challenges and triumphs of being on the business journey. These connections go beyond business; they provide a supportive community that energises and motivates me. Furthermore, being part of the Chamber reinforces my commitment to personal and professional development, offering insights and perspectives that enrich my journey as a business leader especially around topics that are not my core knowledge.