I’m dreaming of a white Christmas………

03 September 2014 4:07 PM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)

Visit Worthing Countdown to Christmas Campaign ………

It doesn’t feel right, thinking about Christmas when the children havn’t gone back to school and you’re still on your summer holiday; but Christmas is just around the corner and preparations for this year’s Countdown to Christmas campaign have already begun!

The campaign was really well received last year so we’re going to do it again, looking at what worked well and what didn’t work so well. The main elements of the campaign will be a printed brochure (as for 2013), a page on the VisitWorthing website, a consumer e-mailer and some Social Media activity via Facebook & Twitter @visitworthing. PR and advertising opportunities will be taken as they arise. We’ll be targeting residents as well as people living further afield in Sussex, London and the South East.


In order to make the campaign as varied and interesting as possible I need to know what’s happening. Are you organising a festive event or activity? Please tell me. Christmas Carols, Pantos, Shows, Grottos, Fairs, Markets, Concerts, …..anything at all!

Event Organisers: Tell us what you’re planning; take a look at the ‘Organising an Event?’ page on our website and submit your event details - http://www.visitworthing.co.uk/whats-on/add-an-event

Visitor Attractions:
Are you planning anything with a festive theme?

Restaurants, Pubs & Clubs: Are you planning something that’s a bit unusual?

Visitor Accommodation: Do you have special Christmas / festive / New Year breaks and rates?

Tell me about your Festive shows, concerts and pantomimes.

Shops: Are you planning something that’s a bit unusual?

Give us the detail - make sure you include: What it is,  Where it is, When it is, Contact details, website link and a short description (max approx. 30 words).

Images are important too. Please send high-res quality images that you are happy to be used in any of the publicity activity.

Competition prizes: Can you offer us a prize that can be used in the publicity? It could be something that could be added to a competition prize package that’s included in the brochure or it might be something smaller that could be used in the social media activity.

Please submit your information by the end of September 2014 to be considered for inclusion in the Festive Brochure. Any information received after this date may still be included on the website and in other activity but will miss the print deadline.

I look forward to hearing from you and if you know of anyone else that might be interested in receiving this information please pass it on. In the meantime if you have any ideas or queries please get in touch.

Janice Fraser - Tourism Development & Marketing Officer
01273 263022 | E-mail: janice.fraser@adur-worthing.gov.uk