Comments received for the proposed changes of parking

14 January 2015 12:32 PM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)

Comments received for the proposed changes of parking

Thank you to those that commented regarding the proposed changes to the parking. Below is the response Worthing and Adur Chamber of Commerce submitted along with the supporting comments.

"Having spoken to Sharon Clarke at Worthing Town Centre Initiative and consulted our  members again today our executive board are unanimous in their support of the issues raised by the TCI and our own Members.

It is extraordinary and unfair that Worthing is being singled out as the sacrificial guinea pig.

There  may be some short term financial gain to the WSCC but the long term loss of wealth is not good for either the local or county council let alone the business people of Worthing.

We would not expect for a party supposedly in favour of free enterprise would even consider such a detrimental tax on trade.

Sunday trading is essentially more popular and this has to be in part due to the free parking and the evening hours of trade are to be encouraged for the night economy to survive and many jobs will be at stake should this come into place.

With a little more time we will be happy to get more responses for you."


While I understand the issues raised by residents about parking we do feel that the economic performance of the Town Centre must be given a priority. 

• Town centre is just recovering from the recession and the cheaper parking in the multi storey car parks has helped to contribute to the 1.5% increase pre-Christmas. 

• The footfall on the first day of the sale was however down 10% due to  on line activity.

• Sunday has biggest growth of in footfall and is a key shopping day and retailers make a direct link to this from the free parking.

• Sunday charges will also have an adverse effect on the day visitor trade and attendance at events. Events such as Birdman and the Food and Drink Festival have seen 25% higher attendance on the Sunday.

• By extending the evening charges to 7pm the restaurant trade will alienate families for the earlier sitting and will not be able to re book the table for the 8pm market 

Parking is a key driver to the economic health of a Town Centre and Worthing is slowly beginning to see improvements with less vacant units and business reporting small improvements to trade.  Residents choose to live in the Town Centre for the benefits it gives by being close to the heart of the shops, bars and restaurants but to ensure these continue to thrive the Worthing Town Centre Initiative implore WSCC not to make any changes.


I reference to the parking proposals we believe that this would have an adverse effect on not only our business but that of our neighbours

Small businesses are really struggling and will lose more business if  the parking is inconvenient and costs our consumers money, as per the government thinking there should be single yellow lines with 20 mins parking


I would like to see free parking on street for at least 30/60 minutes, this will allow most transactions to be carried out without cost, most small/medium purchases can be made in that time. This can be done by simply allowing the machines to produce a free ticket for 1 hour then payment after that period should the shopper need more time. This will increase spend in the town.


East Worthing

It is difficult to anticipate the extra pressure that these changes may put upon the area between the Town Centre and Ham Road.

  • ·         If people working in the town centre were parking free in the Ham Road area, they are now likely to want to park closer to town if they are going to have to pay anyway
  • ·         As a business in Farncombe Road since 2000 we have never been able to successfully apply for on-road parking permits in Farncombe Road. Neither have we been able to put any names down on a waiting list in case spaces become available. Why not?
  • ·         Since the building work started on the new Splashpoint Leisure Centre we have had problems – our parents drop off and collect children mainly between 7.30am – 9am and 12.30 – 1.30 and 4pm – 6pm. (These times are outside the parking restricted times). Firstly, it was because the road was blocked with tradesmen’s vans; I incorrectly assumed that this would improve once the work was complete and the tradesmen gone. Once the pool opened the road was blocked with cars despite there being a car park by Beach Green. The problems are particularly bad after 3pm when we have a continuous stream of cars parking as parents bring their children for swimming lessons; in the meantime, parents trying to collect their children from the nursery cannot find a space close enough to safely manage one or two babies/toddlers and all their bags from the nursery to their car. They cannot walk from home as they could be returning from work out of Worthing or may not live in this area
  • ·         There are plans for building work to commence on the old Aquarena site. Where will the tradesmen park their vehicles? NOT in Farncombe Road I hope. Where will the Leisure Centre users park once the spaces at the old Aquarena are lost (about 75)?


  • 1.       Leisure Centre users are allowed free parking in the nearby car parks taking their vehicles off the roads
  • 2.       Tradesmen are given permits to park in the Teville Gate car park and bussed to site
  • 3.       Farncombe Road has a new restriction added to the spaces on the south end, west side, of the road between Brighton Road and Church Walk. Maximum 20 mins parking between the hours of 3pm and 6pm. This will prevent a (possible fatal) accident to a young child as cars juggle for spaces, parents try to cross the road with their young children and ambulances continue to use the road for ‘blue light’ access to the hospital. It can get VERY busy in the is road and feels particularly unsafe on the dark evenings. I have seen cars double parked on the road out of desperation to find a space
  • 4.       Whatever plans are passed for the Aquarena site they include 100 + parking spaces, free, and only for Leisure Centre users.


As you are currently conducting a review of parking services, can I request that thought is made to businesses being able to purchase an annual all zones pass to cover work undertaken in Worthing. 

As a local business with 3 fleet vehicles, we are regularly in and out of Worthing and my engineers sometimes struggle to have enough change or if a job overruns, have to run out to put more money into a meter. I would certainly purchase at least 3 passes on an annual basis. 

We would not be taking up residents spots everyday as the likelihood is that I would not use them on a daily basis so if the fee was fair, the council would be able to have another revenue stream. Brighton & Hove offer this service and I have tried to purchase something similar for Worthing but currently have to use meters or get daily dispensations if the job is for the whole day. 

I hope that this is worth looking at and look forward to being able to purchase my annual pass!


People from out of area notable visit on a Sunday due to no parking costs. An extension of the hours in Brighton proved to be detrimental to the local hospitality community and would be fatal in our opinion.

We are wanting to encourage families not push them out of town centres in the early evening.
