Business Development Opportunities at StreetVelodrome

18 March 2015 3:52 PM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)

Business Development Opportunities at StreetVelodrome

On the 1st and 2nd August 2015, Worthing will host the fifth round of the UK StreetVelodrome series - which will then be aired on various global television networks as a 30 minute Worthing highlights show – and sponsorship opportunities are now available for businesses wanting to significantly raise their profile.

With several thousand people expected to pack out Beach House grounds in Worthing on the first weekend of August, the StreetVelodrome event would be a good opportunity for any company to connect to more customers. The television highlights show extends this opportunity, with over 600,000 adults seeing the equivalent StreetVelodrome programme in 2014.

Worthing Borough Council has been keen to keep the cost of sponsorship opportunities affordable, as Executive Member for Regeneration, Councillor Bryan Turner, explains:

“There’s no point bringing a hugely exciting event like StreetVelodrome to Worthing, only to price local businesses out of the sponsorship opportunities.

“We’ve already had incredibly strong interest and take up in our Gold, Silver and Bronze packages, with significant local companies investing in some high profile brand building.  However, there are still spaces, so interested businesses should move quickly to secure a sponsorship slot.”

In addition to the main sponsorship packages, Worthing Borough Council are developing a filmed media package which will be both used as a marketing tool in the run up to the event, and as a celebration of a fantastic weekend of StreetVelodrome cycling afterwards.

Businesses interested in finding out how to make the most of this opportunity should contact Jo Osborne, Worthing Borough Council’s Events Manager by email (

More information about the exciting StreetVelodrome event, and its inaugural Worthing heat, can be found on their website –