Chamber Breakfast with Potential Candidates

02 April 2015 9:50 PM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)

Worthing and Adur Chamber of Commerce were pleased to host an Election Breakfast at Northbrook College recently, giving their members the chance to question potential candidates about their policies and local business issues.   Each party were given the opportunity to outline their main points for election and then questions were taken from the floor.

Tim Cross - UKIP Candidate for Worthing West

“We should not be afraid of leaving the EU at all; on the contrary we should embrace the opportunity to trade with the whole world and not be imprisoned in a straight-jacket under the control of the EU and its laws. In simple terms we would not have to pay £55 million per day as our contribution, be subject to EU laws and directives which cost business at least £30 billion per annum and with control of immigration we would be able to bring in quality skilled migrants instead of unskilled migrants which we do not need and who push down wages.”

James Doyle -Green Party Parliamentary Candidate for East Worthing & Shoreham

“Political support for businesses should be as local as possible, responsive to their needs, and should help them look to the future with their own plans as well as the government.  Our workforce needs to be educated and skilled to compete with other countries, and paid well enough to live.”

Tim Loughton MP - Candidate for East Worthing & Shoreham

“The Chamber of Commerce has shown again what a thriving business community we have locally and it is incumbent upon all elected representatives to have policies in place to make Adur & Worthing good places to do business. Whether it’s through improving infrastructure such as the A27 upgrade at last, raising skill levels of school-leavers or making ultra-fast broadband as standard this is an exciting place to invest and expand - so look out Brighton.”

Hazel Thorpe Liberal Democrat candidate for West Worthing

Local Manifesto
Economy; to support SMEs in surviving, thriving, being sustainable, via lobbying for Government and EU funding and networking
Education; to support our schools & colleges to prepare young people for the jobs, skills and vocations needed
Health and Social Care; to support the hospital and NHS by raising awareness of public opinion, needs, experience and speaking out
Real life solutions; highlighting the need for emotional intelligence, caring support and training between apprenticeships and full time work

Tim Macpherson – Labour candidate for East Worthing

“Small businesses are the engine room of our economy, they currently get a raw deal from this Government which tends to classify "business" as the large multinationals over which they have little control.
We will cut business rates which burden small businesses and cancel the planned cut in corporation tax, a cut which mainly benefits big business.
Stop late payments as cash flow is king for a small business and 90+ days is too long.  Labour would like to encourage business lending and introduce a shipping economy as they don’t believe there is one currently. We'll boost the status of apprenticeships, particularly for the 16 - 24 age group which leads to a real job.
Finally we'll legislate against zero hours contracts being used by companies to hire people on the cheap."

If you would like to hear more on the prospects of what a new government will look like our Patron Gillian Fielding will give us her vision at our forthcoming AGM on Wednesday 29thApril

Gillian Fielding, Secret Millionaire and Chamber Patron.

Once again we are lucky to have our Patron Gillian Fielding with us, she has her finger on the pulse of wider picture and always gives an entertaining and inspiring talk. Gill will give us her vision as to how things may look depending on who manages to win the election. At past AGM’s she has shared her insight as to the décor of the cloakroom in 10 Downing Street …… will this change? Just what do the politicians think they are doing with the economy, or will it all go down the pan!!!!!

Chris Tomlinson – Eon 

Will be telling us about the progress on the Rampion Windfarm which is about to start at Brooklands. There will also be information on the procurement process for this project

Alex Bailey - CEO Adur & Worthing Council

Alex is determined to lead us into prosperity and growth, whether we like it or not. Alex will update us on ‘Underground Sussex.... Unlocking the value in our visitor economy’.  

It’s always an informative and well attended evening with excellent networking opportunities, so book now via Non-Members welcome.