Deadline looms for you to grab a slice of capital cash

25 August 2015 3:31 PM | Deleted user

Deadline looms for you to grab a slice of capital cash

DON’T miss the deadline for Coast

to Capital Business Growth Grants.

Coast to Capital Local Enterprise

Partnership, in partnership with

West Sussex County Council, has

launched the Business Growth

Grants programme and is looking

for small and medium-sized

businesses that are looking to

expand and create new jobs.

Coast to Capital has been

awarded £9.5m for business finance

across the next six years.

The money comes from central

government’s Local Growth Fund,

which is a capital grant, and the

aim of the funding is to support

economic development through the

creation of new jobs, homes and

employment space.

Some £1m is available for

Business Growth Grants for the

2015-16 financial year.

Applications are welcome from

businesses that are in one of the

Coast to Capital priority sectors

and/or be able to demonstrate

strong medium term growth plans.

Retail is not an eligible sector.

Start-ups, existing businesses

and social enterprises are invited

to apply, the proposed new activity

must be additional to existing

business activity.

Businesses must be able to incur

the grant in full by March 31, 2016,

and the grant may be used only for

capital items.

Expenditure incurred means

that the goods, works or services

have been received by the

business within that period and

an invoice has been approved for


Applications for expressions

of interest are now open and

will remain open until 12pm on

September 15 – or before if the

amount of funding available is

awarded before this date.

n See more at


