Martin paints positive picture of the region

25 August 2015 3:34 PM | Deleted user

Martin Randall: in partnership with local business


When Martin Randall left his role as Head of City Planning & Development at Brighton and Hove City Council in June to become Head of Place and Investment at Adur and Worthing Councils it was a bit of a homecoming: Martin has lived in Shoreham for the last 25 years. But more change was to follow. In no time at all, weeks in fact, Martin took up the bigger role of Director for the Economy, filling the gap left by Scott Marshall.


So what is the role of Director for the Economy? Martin displays a refreshing clarity and succinctness when he describes his role: “To drive economic growth by supporting our existing businesses.” Martin describes this as the modern way of managing the local economy. “Supporting our established local businesses is a more sustainable approach and a vibrant local business community is an attractive proposition for new investors in Adur and Worthing.”


This emphasis on local businesses is refreshing to hear but it also dovetails nicely with one of Martin’s other areas of responsibility: land development. This is no easy job and he has major schemes to deliver, Teville Gate for example. “Part of my role is to make these projects happen,” he says. If anyone has the experience, tenacity, and skills to see these major projects through it’s Martin, having played a key role in delivering both the Amex Stadium and Amex HQ in his previous role in Brighton.


Martin firmly believes that the Worthing and Adur region is set to take off but also knows there is much work to do to make that happen. He has four areas in his sights: “We have to support local businesses, promote tourism, drive the cultural economy, and get the seafront strategy right,” he says. “Driving the local economy and supporting local businesses is central to what local government is about. To be a trusted local authority you have to prove you are a partner to businesses, not a barrier. A big part of this will involve working in partnership with our local Chamber of Commerce.”


Sounds good. But what does this all look like to the local business owner? Listening to Martin you quickly realise that he firmly believes in not only talking to local businesses, but actually engaging them in the wider strategic investment strategy. Martin also points out the great work going on in partnership with the Chamber and Northbrook College culminating in the new business incubator units in Broadwater.


And the Chamber of Commerce? Martin believes it is in good health and has a big part to play. National government has recognised the importance of the Chamber movement too. “Our Chamber is a terrific vehicle for promoting and sponsoring the Worthing and Adur area,” he says. “I saw this at the Chamber’s AGM when I was struck by the members’ enthusiasm. If we build a strong working partnership between our Councils and our Chamber of Commerce, then the outlook for business in Worthing and Adur is bright.”