Is your business ready to start & grow?

30 September 2015 10:01 AM | Tracie Davey (Administrator)



So you’ve got a great business idea but are not sure what to do next?

The Start & Grow programme provides a range of pre and post start support to individuals who have aspirations to start a business and the capability to make the business a success. This new programme is available to those looking to start a business, that will require start-up funding to get it off the ground and expects to employ people from its early stages.

The support provided through Start & Grow is tailored to the individual needs of the owner and the business idea, but will include one to one support and advice, workshops and training, mentoring and help finding funding.

Enterprise First is delivering this programme in the areas of Worthing, Eastbourne and Hastings.

Clients will receive a tailored package of support that could include:

  • ·        One-to-one assessment with an experienced, independent business adviser who will review your business ideas and formulate the next steps
  • ·        An intensive personalised support programme, including guidance, advice and peer learning, leading to the development of a robust business plan

  • ·        Dedicated support in an application for external funding
  • ·        Ongoing support for 3 years after business start-up

– The main trading address or home address of one of the owner falls within an approved area
– The business owner/owners will be fully engaged in the business
– The business owner/owners expect to be trading three years after the business begins trading
– The business will create at least one additional job
– The business is expected to benefit from investment – either personal equity or a loan/grant

In a nutshell we are a looking for robust enterprises with real ambitions for growth and sustainability and that are going to employ staff!

Is this you? Is your business ready to Start and Grow?

Contact Grant Baker on 07802 774624 or email or visit