06 October 2015 12:00 PM | Deleted user

Just to remind you that time is running out to register join us at this year's Waves Ahead conference "Food for Thought; Becoming a Smarter Coast?". It’s at 5pm at Sir Robert Woodard Academy on 15th October 2015. If you have already registered, you don't need to do anything more (unless you would like to forward this to a colleague).


Thursday, 15 October 2015 from 17:00 to 21:30 (BST)

Sir Robert Woodard Academy
Upper Boundstone Lane
BN15 9QZ Lancing
United Kingdom

What is the conference about?

The conference this year will explore how we can develop skills to be smarter in the way we work and collectively become a “smarter" area, including the way we do things locally. A large amount of experience and knowledge is hidden in different organisations so we could be more efficient if we shared and collaborated with each other in smarter ways. “Smarter” can mean finding innovative solutions, using technologies and insights to change how we all work together and recognising that although budgets maybe tight, innovative technologies can help turn challenges into opportunities.


Why "Food for Thought"? 

Food and drink is a sub-theme we have picked for the event to help us explore some specific "smart" ideas and help us all understand how we become “smarter together”.


Why should I come to the conference? 

·  If you have heard the buzz word “Smarter Places“ and wondered what it’s all about, then come along and find out more

·  If you are involved in a local food or drink initiative in the local area and want to share your experiences and ideas and find opportunities to work together with others, then come along

·  Come and find out about the potential of Adur and Worthing to be smarter places, and explore a range of useful "Smart" tools, including digital opportunities (you don't need to be working on food projects, all the tools we'll introduce can be used in many areas)

·  Meet and chat informally with people who are already making a difference through partnership working in the local area, and find out how to get involved.


Who is the conference for?

Anyone working or volunteering in the Adur and Worthing areas, especially if you are involved in working in a partnership or would like to be.


Tor register your FREE place at the event, go to


If you have any questions or want to find out more, please contact