Expect the unexpected - a day for business growth and local encouragement!

06 October 2015 12:25 PM | Deleted user

Worthing and Adur Chamber of Commerce, in conjunction with The Adur and Worthing Business Partnership, are set to host a whole day programme dedicated to business growth, local success along with local exhibitors in late January.

This event will build on the success of our previous showcases and will highlight the success stories of the locality, and, encourage those from the larger businesses such as ETI Limited, Southern Water and Fresh Egg to get involved with their business community.   In addition this year there will be an opportunity for an expansion of the area for exhibitors with a strong focus on the “Buy Local” offer.

The feedback from previous years of our showcase has been really positive and the event this year will have a new twist! This will once again be held at Worthing Town Hall along with a new opportunity to expand into the Assembly Rooms There will be keynote speakers and workshops throughout the day covering topics such as starting a business, crowdfunding, social media, the future of business, success story panels and specialist one 2 one clinics. There will be the opportunity to meet the buyers of the local council procurement team. You will be able to book onto a speed networking event taking pace over lunch which will be fun, fast & furious!

This event will be a great way for new, growing and established businesses to network and connect, to reinforce relationships and build new ones.  Tina Tilley, CEO, Worthing and Adur Chamber said “Last year the Showcase had a great buzz and the atmosphere was amazing.  This year we hope to top that and encourage even more local businesses to take part”.

Chris Coopey, from Carpenter Box, commented last year “It was great to meet so many of Worthing’s premier businesses and particularly good that some sectors you rarely see at events were represented.”

For further information  to book your exhibition stand and to get your ticket for the day please contact Worthing and Adur Chamber of Commerce.