Lancing Village Market returns!

06 October 2015 1:29 PM | Deleted user

Lancing Village Market returns!

On Saturday 19th September this year, Adur District Council launched the very first Lancing  Village Market, as part of their ongoing regeneration plans.

The Village Market turned out to be a huge success, far more popular than anticipated, with many stallholders having to pack up early as all of their goods were sold out before finishing time at 2pm!

David Steadman, Adur Town Centre and Street Scene Coordinator adds “The market was a huge success, with stallholders selling a whole range of locally sourced fresh produce and many original arts & crafts items.  All  of the traders I spoke to were delighted, not only with the brisk trade and the large crowds of customers, but also the very happy and relaxed atmosphere.  

Many have told me they are really looking forward to coming back again on Saturday 17th October, Saturday 21st November and due to popular demand, we have just added another one for Saturday 19th December.  We have room for a few more stalls, so anyone interested should please email or call me directly. or call 01273 263152.”

Cllr Pat Beresford, Adur Executive Member for Regeneration adds “The Lancing Village Market has proved to be a great success for the stall holders and residents alike.  The first one  back in September was very popular and perfectly reflects our ongoing regeneration plans and ambitions for Lancing.    

A lot of work has already been done in the centre of the village, especially in smartening up some of the more tired shop fronts.  We continue to work towards transforming the heart of Lancing into a vibrant 21st Century village, as laid out in our Lancing Village Vision paper in 2012.  I really do  encourage everyone to come along on Saturday 17th October, Saturday 21st November and Saturday 19th December to experience a smarter new Lancing and to enjoy the market.”

Lancing Village Market returns to Littlecroft Car Park, Queensway, North Road, Lancing on:

Saturday 17th October 10.00am - 2.00pm

Saturday 21st November 10.00am - 2.00pm

Saturday 19th December 10.00am - 2.00pm

To book a stall please call David Steadman on 01273 263152 or email

Cllr Pat Beresford, Adur Executive Member for Regeneration is available to be interviewed.  Please contact Ann Graville,  Interim Communications Officer at Adur & Worthing Councils on 0190322 1323 or 07850 760040.  Alternatively email