Chinese firm to invest in Kent amusement park

20 October 2015 11:28 AM | Deleted user

Chinese firm to invest in Kent amusement park

Chinese firm to invest in Kent amusement park

Plans for an amusement park in north Kent have taken a major step forward after Chinese construction firm SinoFortone pledged to invest £100m in the £3.2bn scheme.

The proposed London Paramount Entertainment Resort, which is expected to create up to 27,000 new jobs, is set to include a theme park, theatre, hotels and restaurants.

The Disneyland-style park is set to open in 2021 but has yet to be granted planning permission. It is being developed by London Resort Company Holdings.

More than £30bn worth of trade and investment deals creating almost 4,000 jobs are set to be unveiled to coincide with the state visit of the president of China, Xi Jinping.

Commercial deals spanning a range of sectors such as the creative industries, retail, energy, health and technology, financial services, aerospace and education will be signed, providing an opportunity for British and Chinese businesses to forge stronger links.

The visit will also open up export opportunities for UK companies looking to expand into China and attract Chinese investment into the regions, the government said.

Prime Minister David Cameron said: "This is going to be a very important moment for British-Chinese relations. Trade and investment between our two nations is growing and our people-to-people links are strong.

"This visit will be an opportunity to review all of these things but also talk about how the UK and China can work together on global issues such as climate change and tackling poverty. It’s a real opportunity to deepen our relationship."