Call for Evidence - Low Carbon and Environmental Sector

05 May 2016 2:58 PM | Deleted user

As part of ongoing research into the local economy the Coast to Capital LEP is issuing a call for evidence on the Low Carbon and Environmental Goods and Services (LCEGS) sector. This sector has been identified as being important for future economics and jobs growth, as well as being key to meeting the UK’s commitments to reduce CO2 emissions, increasing energy efficiency, and increasing the use of renewable energy.
To help Coast to Capital LEP further support the local economy and businesses and to help the UK meet its environmental obligations evidence is needed detailing the key opportunities and issues, companies and projects, and skills needs in the local LCEGS sector. We are inviting local businesses, organisations, and industry experts to take part in a short survey that explores these questions.
It would be a great help if you share this with colleagues, partners, and businesses in your network.
The survey will remain open until the 13th of May.
To contribute to the evidence please follow this link:
Alternatively you can find a word version of the survey here and send your replies to