EU Debate - Are you in or out?

27 May 2016 3:49 PM | Deleted user

Over 50 members of the local business community joined Worthing and Adur Chamber, Tim Loughton and Sir Peter Bottomley last week at Worthing Golf Club to debate being in or Out of the EU.

Several questions were taken from the floor with Tim Loughton and Sir Peter Bottomley both given opportunities to respond. Many focused around business and export with Peter emphasising that being part of Europe makes transporting goods and employing skilled and unskilled workers much easier with EU border controls. Tim Loughton expressed that coming out of Europe would allow the UK to do trade deals independently with the rest of the world not just through the EU and still allow the UK to employ those staff that are needed.

Large companies are still choosing to remain in the UK including GSK who are expanding locally.  Tim Loughton has spoken to large companies in a forum who have stated that if UK should leave the EU they will adapt and will be able to deal with the change. Sir Peter Bottomley pointed out that major manufacturers like Nissan review where they do business every 5 years and the UK could be less beneficial if it left the EU.

Both commented that each European country interpret the EU laws independently. The UK, it could be said, interpret these laws at the ‘Good Civil Servant’ end of the spectrum, some other European countries have a more relaxed approach.

Both also agreed that the EU needs reform and more than a few token measures, maybe this referendum will shock the EU into becoming more viable for the future. Could we have got a better deal if more time was taken before the referendum time limit at the end of 2017?  Quite probably.

A quick straw poll from the room was fairly split. What remains is more facts are needed in order to make an informed vote. As voters not only do we have to decide what is best for the country but maybe more importantly what is best for us personally and for our families in the future.  The decision is firmly yours- as long as you vote!