Worthing Sundowners - family-friendly street food and live music

19 August 2016 9:02 AM | Deleted user

Worthing Sundowners

Family Friendly Street Food and Live Music

For those with a sweet tooth, Charlene's Chocolate Factory were there with chocolatey treats.Sundowners was back in its new home of Beach House Grounds on Friday 12th August with some great live bands, singers and fun for the kids... as well as our usual amazing street food, from the likes of Salsa Viva, Gone Global and more.  

Sundowners will be on again in September (Friday 9th) and don't forget SunUppers - its sister event for street food breakfasts, with live acoustic jazz - will be held on Sunday 28th August and (as part of the Worthing Food Festival) on Sunday 25th September.

To keep up to date on what's what and who's who, visit the Sundowners Worthing Facebook page -  here