£20,000 of new outdoor gym equipment for Victoria Park, Worthing

23 August 2016 9:19 AM | Deleted user

£20,000 of new outdoor gym equipment for Victoria Park, Worthing

Councillor Clive Roberts, Executive Member for Environment Worthing Borough Council visited newly installed outdoor gym equipment in Victoria Park Worthing yesterday (Thurs 18th August).  

He adds "It is great to see this equipment in place and our continued investment in outdoor gym equipment being enjoyed by our residents.  I have seen lots of young children all over it this afternoon, and I have been just been told that lots of our more elderly residents from the nearby Melrose Care Home regularly use this outdoor gym equipment too.  Just what we wanted.  

The many benefits of encouraging greater levels  of fitness, healthier lifestyle choices and regular active exercise are all very well documented and the Council continue to invest in making this equipment available as widely as possible to encourage healthy, active and fun pursuits in our parks."