Upcoming Gender Pay Gap regulation - Have your input

07 October 2016 11:21 AM | Deleted user

Upcoming Gender Pay Gap regulation 

Have your input...

Acas NationalAcas helps HR professionals and managers keep up-to-date with employment law and how to get the best from staff through good workplace practices.

Acas are requesting your help in developing advice and guidance on Gender Pay Reporting

The Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Section 78 Regulations are expected to come into force in April 2017. These regulations will require employers in Great Britain with 250 or more employees, to calculate their gender pay gap.

Acas are currently producing new guidance on gender pay gap reporting and we are interested in getting your views. We are also interested in finding out what you already know about the upcoming regulations. Your feedback will help us create better guidance and resources which will help employers prepare for the introduction of this new legislation.

Acas have produced a short survey that we would appreciate you spending a few minutes filling in.

View the survey here