20 July 2017 12:40 PM | Deleted user


The leaders of Adur and Worthing councils today expressed disappointment at proposals for improvements to the A27  with one likening them to “rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic”.

Highways England yesterday published the details of its proposed improvement scheme for the stretch of the road through Worthing and Lancing.

The £69m option dismisses radical solutions such as underpasses and flyovers in favour of more modest improvements to six junctions between Durrington Hill and the Lancing Manor roundabout.

Highways England’s own scoring system points to no “significant benefits” achieved by the scheme.

Neil Parkin, leader of Adur District Council said, "We need to continue to grow our economies and are being asked by government to build hundreds more houses yet we need the transport infrastructure to do so.

“As far as that infrastructure is concerned Highways England have just rearranged the deckchairs on the Titanic with these proposals."

Dan Humphreys, leader of Worthing Borough Council, said,"I am very disappointed by these proposals and fear that the solutions offered, particularly at Grove Lodge and Lyons Farm, will not bring the benefits clearly needed given the costs involved.

" We think residents will also be disappointed by the lack of information Highways England give in their consultation to back up why they have gone for this option."

Consultation ends on September 12 with two years of construction expected to start in 2020 if the scheme is approved.

For more information visit highways.gov.uk/a27Worthing-and-Lancing.