Adur District Council approve below-inflation rise in council tax

26 February 2018 4:04 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Adur District Council approve below-inflation rise in council tax

Taxpayers in Adur will face a below-inflation 2.96 per cent increase to their district council tax bills after councillors unanimously approved the budget for the coming year.

The increase, equivalent to an extra 14p a week for a Band D household, will ensure the local authority can push on with its long-term investment plans to bring growth and prosperity to the communities of Lancing, Sompting, Southwick and Shoreham.

When presenting the budget for 2018/19, Councillor Neil Parkin, leader of Adur District Council, promised to continue delivering efficient and cost-effective services as the authority's grant from government is reduced.

Cllr Parkin said: “We never take the decision to increase council tax lightly as we believe it is the people’s money and it should be in their pockets rather than ours.

“But this budget is all about unlocking the potential in Adur; in our towns, villages and our people.

“This will be achieved by managing our budgets well, delivering services and importantly supporting those people in need as well as being pro-business and growth. Without that, the area becomes a dormitory town.”

The budget, which was approved at a meeting of Full Council last night (February 22), will mean that services provided by Adur will cost £5.70 a week (based on a Band D household).

Weekly household waste collections will be retained while street sweeping, environmental protection and housing services will be maintained.

The council will also invest £10 million to build an office block on the former civic centre car park in Shoreham and lease it to a growing local business - retaining 250 jobs in Adur and helping create a further 200 in the coming years.

Further cash injections will see £3 million in temporary and emergency accommodation and £2 million to support local partners to provide affordable housing, both of which will combat a rise in homelessness.

Public toilets and equipment in play parks will also be improved while money to extend the boardwalk on Shoreham Beach is allocated.

The local authority has also committed to providing the maximum council tax benefit for its most vulnerable residents this year.

Adur District Council’s contribution is between 15 and 17 per cent to the overall bill. The rest goes predominantly to West Sussex County Council and the Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner. Those in Lancing and Sompting pay an additional precept towards their respective Parish Councils.