Plans afoot to extend popular Shoreham Beach boardwalk

08 March 2018 2:16 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Plans afoot to extend popular Shoreham Beach boardwalk

More people will be able to enjoy Shoreham Beach as Adur District Council pushes on with plans to extend the popular boardwalk.

Since the local authority installed the first section in 2011, the town’s beautiful beach has been accessible to all thanks to the modern walkway along the shingle.

This week, the Council has taken the first steps to extending the walkway to Shoreham Fort with the aim of starting work before summer.

Once complete, the boardwalk will be about one mile in length - meaning more of the unique environment of the protected beach will be opened up to all.

Councillor Emma Evans, Adur District Council’s Executive Member for Environment, said: “The Shoreham Beach boardwalk has been a real hit with residents and visitors which is why I’m delighted to see work on extending it is underway.

“By using modern materials sympathetic to the area's conservation status, the boardwalk allows the beach and its amazing natural vistas to be enjoyed by all.

“I hope it will also encourage more people to discover the delights of Shoreham Fort which is a hidden historic gem at the entrance of the harbour.”

Councillor David Simmons, Adur District Council’s Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing, said: “The beach is one of our area’s greatest assets but previously it was nearly impossible for anyone living with a mobility issue to get across the stones to watch the sunset and waves breaking.

“That’s why I’ve pushed for the boardwalk to be installed. It really does make a massive difference to those with limited mobility or with pushchairs.”

The extension, which runs on land owned by the Council, will link the current walkway which ends at The Burrells roundabout with Shoreham Fort.

It will follow the existing established footpath on the shingle beach between the patches of vegetation before linking up with the West Sussex County Council-owned footpath at Forthaven.

The council has now issued a tender for companies to bid to carry out the work. Contracts are likely to be signed by the end of March with teams starting on site in May.

The work will take place under permitted development rights which means planning permission is not needed.

The move has been backed by a range of partners including West Sussex County Council, Environment Agency, Shoreham Port, Shoreham Beach Residents’ Association and the Friends of Shoreham Beach.

Letters have been sent to residents of nearby properties in Old Fort Road informing of the proposed route.