Street party fees waived for Royal Wedding celebrations

09 March 2018 3:18 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Street party fees waived for Royal Wedding celebrations

Communities are being urged to come together to celebrate 2018’s Royal Wedding in style - and Adur & Worthing Councils are backing the move by waiving all fees for street parties.

People from across the world will be watching as Prince Harry marries Meghan Markle at a ceremony in Windsor Castle on Saturday May 19.

With the wedding coinciding with the FA Cup final, it is hoped people across Adur and Worthing will unite as they did for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s wedding in 2011 and for the Diamond Jubilee and Olympics in 2012.

To make it easier and cheaper for neighbours to hold right royal celebrations, the Councils have scrapped the usual £106 cost of closing a road. Advice and information on waste collections and insurance has also been made available.

All applicants must do is complete and submit two forms by April 6.

Councillor Angus Dunn, Adur District Council’s Executive Member for Resources, said: “With no charge and very little paperwork, it’s never been easier for neighbours to come together and mark this very public national celebration. I encourage communities in our towns and villages to come together to mark this special day in style.”

Councillor Edward Crouch, Worthing Borough Council’s Executive Member for Digital and Resources, said: “Worthing has a great tradition for making Royal celebrations extremely memorable occasions for all. I urge anyone thinking of arranging their own street party to get in touch to ensure a enjoyable and safe day is had by all.”

Street parties are gatherings organised by and for all residents in one or two small streets without external publicity. A wider public event in more streets or on a major road needs extra arrangements.

An informal “street meet” on a driveway, parking area, front garden or end of a cul-de-sac does not require permission from the Councils.

Communities interested in hosting a street party do not need a special licence for their event.

All they must do is complete an application and an additional road closure notice, which will ensure emergency services are notified.

Both are available on the council website:

For further details email or call 01903 221200.

Residents wanting guidance on how to plan a street party can visit: