Worthing Tourism Goes To Westminster

21 March 2018 1:14 PM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Worthing Tourism Goes To Westminster

To mark the start of 2018 English Tourism Week, the Worthing Hospitality Federation (WHF) and Worthing Borough Council joined forces to visit the Tourism Minister in Parliament to argue the case for a better deal for Worthing’s tourism businesses.

Andy Sparsis, Chairman of the Worthing Hospitality Federation, and Councillor Dan Humphreys, Leader of Worthing Borough Council, were invited to attend the Tourism Alliance’s Parliamentary Reception where they were able to take concerns about the Government’s support for the hospitality sector directly to the Tourism Minister Michael Ellis.

A ‘tourism sector deal’ for post Brexit Britain that contained a commitment to reviewing the taxation system was the main request put to the Government and the Minister gave a positive response.

Andy Sparsis, Chairman of the WHF said: “We formed the WHF last year precisely because local hospitality businesses felt we were underrepresented. In a short period of time we’ve had some substantial successes and the fact that we’re now being invited to Parliament to meet the Tourism Minister shows how far we’ve come in such a short time.”

Cllr Humphreys said: “The Borough Council has a proud record of supporting the local tourism sector through our work promoting the town, investing in the local area, supporting a wide range of fantastic events and delivering an exciting theatre programme that has been proven to have a return on investment of £7 for every £1 spent. I’m delighted that we’re able to work with the Worthing Hospitality Federation to promote the needs of local businesses in Parliament.”