ETI helping the local community

24 April 2018 9:36 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

ETI helping the local community 

Late last year we were grateful to hear that a local company ETI was going to donate a considerable sum to our disabled toilet building fund.

This week saw the official presentation and you can imagine how lucky and fortunate we felt when we were informed that the sum donated had doubled to £1,000.

So again grateful thanks to ETI for their generous help with our project.

Pictured is David our treasurer being predented with the cheque by Miriam Webb of ETI surrounded by club members that come down on Wednesday mornings to eat cake, drink tea, cocoa and ovaltine and in between these breaks, carry out essential maintenance and building work.

If you didn't know it, ETI are a very successful manufacturer of temperature measuring instruments and equally importantly are based in Worthing. Their website is well worth a visit and can be reached via this link. Alternatively a search for ETI will soon get you there.

For more pictures of this and an update on progress visit the disabled toilets sub page on the What's happening page.

Link to Disabled Toilets