Employment law update and HR news from Acas South East

22 May 2018 10:21 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Workplace news

The cost of failing to manage absence: an employment tribunal in Liverpool awarded a former employee £110,165 compensation for unfair dismissal and unlawful disability discrimination following their dismissal under the employers absence management policy. The tribunal concluded that, as a large organisation with significant resources...read more.

Managing staff absence - true or false?

Managing absence advice and guidance.

Know your procedures: a worker was unfairly dismissed because the employer failed to follow a fair procedure despite the conclusive allegations. The employment judge ruled that "the failure to offer or perhaps afford the employee a right of appeal means that the procedure followed by the employer was not a procedure that any reasonable employer"...read more.

Discipline and grievances at work: the Acas guide.

Discipline and grievance - Acas Code of Practice.  

The pitfalls of written notice: if an employee is dismissed by written notice posted to their home address, when does the notice period begin? Is it from the date the letter was delivered or from when the employee actually read it? The Supreme Court recently gave important guidance on when contractual notice of dismissal delivered in writing comes into effect...read more.

Terminating employment - notice periods and pay.

Contracts of employment.