Seafront shelter plans revealed

31 May 2018 11:35 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Seafront shelter plans revealed

This is the first image of plans to turn a Worthing seafront shelter into a bright new restaurant.

Bistrot Pierre, who have premises in south Wales, Birmingham, Nottingham and Bath, have been granted a long-term lease by Worthing Borough Council to convert and expand the structure opposite West Buildings into a restaurant overlooking the beach.

The image was released as developer Nextcolour Ltd presented plans to the public today (Wednesday 30th May) at St Pauls in Chapel Road, Worthing.

Residents and businesses were among those to view the proposals. The next step is for a planning application to be submitted. 

The event, which was run by Worthing-based ECE Planning, also allowed members of the public to ask questions about the scheme.

James Morse, director of Nextcolour, said: "We are delighted to be part of the rejuvenation of Worthing seafront. Worthing is a great town and we hope our development will be seen positively as making it a great regional destination."

Councillor Kevin Jenkins, Worthing Borough Council's Executive Member for Regeneration, said: "As a council we are determined to drive through significant improvements to our seafront offer. We will not sit still but want to modernise our offer while not forgetting its traditional delights."

A second shelter - near Steyne Gardens - was also offered to would-be-developers last year. A decision on the winning bidder is expected in the coming weeks.