Civic reception for Shoreham resident

07 August 2018 11:24 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Civic reception for Shoreham resident

Shoreham resident Gareth Ledbetter is the toast of Adur District after being awarded an MBE.

Gareth, who is employed by the Home Office, received the commendation in The Queen’s Birthday Honours list for services to border security.

To mark the award and recognise his contribution to the community, Gareth and his family were invited for afternoon tea in the Shoreham Centre by the Chairman of Adur, Councillor Joss Loader.

Cllr Loader said: “It’s really important that as a council and a community that we recognise the fantastic work that residents like Gareth do on our behalf.

“It was lovely to meet his his family and see how proud they are of their dad’s achievement.”

Gareth said: “I’m hugely appreciative to be recognised by the chairman. I was surprised to see my name in the honours in the first place, so meeting the chairman just reinforces this award.

“My wife and I moved to Shoreham when my first child was one year old and it’s been a fantastic place to live. Today is not something I’ll forget.