Date for deferred New Monks Farm meeting confirmed

17 September 2018 10:51 AM | Lauren Martin-Grieveson (Administrator)

Date for deferred New Monks Farm meeting confirmed

The date for a meeting to decide on a deferred planning application to build 600 new homes and an IKEA superstore at New Monks Farm has been announced.

Adur District Council’s Planning Committee will meet on Wednesday 3rd October 2018 at the 500 seat capacity Sir Robert Woodard Academy sports hall in Lancing to decide on the application.

The proposal from New Monks Farm Development, a subsidiary of Brighton & Hove Albion FC, also includes the provision of a new roundabout on the A27, a country park, land for a school and a community hub. It would also see the relocation and expansion of the Withy Patch Gypsy and Traveller site.

The initial plans for New Monks Farm were submitted last summer.

Councillors on the planning committee met in July to make a decision but decided to defer the proposal due to concerns over the appearance of the north elevation of the planned IKEA building and access to Coombes Road and Lancing College.

The same meeting will also see councillors consider an application proposing 2,500m² of commercial space at Shoreham Airport.

A spokesman for Adur District Council said: “We are fully aware of the public interest in this major application which is why we are continuing to use a location close to the site and as big a venue as possible for this decision to take place.

“As a council we have a duty to planning applications in a certain time frame. The deferred time period has given the applicant time to address the two main concerns raised.

“Given that the New Monks application and the airport application contain a shared transport and drainage strategy it makes sense to deal with both applications on the same evening.

“It is up to the committee to listen to the information put forward from all sides and make a decision on both applications based on this evidence.”

Papers regarding both applications will be made public a week before the meeting.

Information on how people can speak at the meeting will be confirmed in the next few days.